Soul Ring Formed by the Emperor Azure Dragon, Is This Enough Evidence?

At this stage, the soul pet's intelligence would temporarily be activated. If it didn't cultivate the Soul Guiding Skill, its subsequent growth would slow down, which was very disadvantageous to the soul pet's future development.

Especially mental-type soul pets, they focused on mental-type cultivation.

The Soul Guiding Skill not only had to help mental-type soul pets cultivate soul power, but it also had to develop the mental strength of mental-type soul pets and help them activate their intelligence.

In the later stages, after its cultivation increased, the mental-type soul pet's reliance on the Soul Guiding Skill would be low.

An awesome mental-type soul pet could develop a Soul Guiding Skill for itself with ten thousand years of cultivation.

Much modern technology research could not do without mental-type soul pets.