The Speed Boat

'Once I do today's daily mission, I will have enough money to execute my plan. The daily mission will go off of cooldown really late at night.'

Leonard sat in his inn room debating, waiting. There was one issue that bugged him, his escape. Depending on the situation, he might be able to simply walk out, or he would have to leave via car. He couldn't just leave things to chance, so he had to at least prepare a car.

That was so difficult to do, though. One option would leave a paper trail, the other wasn't affordable, and the last was very dangerous. The police would be after him before he even began to try to save Yukki. The police here were incompetent, but they were still real. What if the car had a tracker on it to prevent theft?

Leonard then had a realization. Just like the victims were most likely being shipped away via ship, he too could flee on a boat.

Leonard browsed the [Store] - [Tier 1 - Special] section. This was the section for regular items that were special in some way, like being illegal, but Leonard was looking for a gun.

Leonard scrolled through. This section was mainly just trying to sell him drugs or other things he would prefer not to look at. At last, he found the guns again. And by guns, he meant the singular revolver. What type of revolver was it? Leonard didn't know, the system didn't specify. It was just called [Lesser Revolver]. It wasn't exactly the most useful description.

It had a price tag of [$1200] associated with it, and it came with a set of 64 bullets. Leonard immediately bought it, and an ancient-looking revolver appeared in inventory.

It had a wooden handle, and the barrel had an old brown color to it. Leonard played around with it in his hands.

'This is worth it.' Leonard silently thought in his head, 'Money is but a means to an end, no matter how much cheaper getting a gun regularly is, it would just bring me endless trouble. As long as I can headshot a sleeping target with it, it's fine'

Leonard left the inn and began looking for places that he could rent a boat from. After circling the entire port, he found only two stores that offered what he needed, a small, motorized boat that he could rent. The warehouse was near the ocean, so he could just stealthily park near the back, and jump in once he had Yukki with him. As for where to go after that… it didn't matter to him. He had the system and figured the rest he could make up on the spot...

"Hey," Leonard walked up to the man at the front desk of 'Richard's Boats'.

"Greetings! My name is Richard!" The middle-aged man came up to Leonard enthusiastically. "What can I do for ya?" His tan, sun-damaged skin made it obvious that he frequented the seas. He adjusted his hat, "Haven't seen ya in ma' shop before! We've got everything you would need for the seas! Equipment, boats, fishing guns, you name it!"

'fishing...guns!?' Leonard never knew places like this could sell guns used for fishing, but he was in a rush. "I'm looking to rent a fast motorized boat from you. Big enough to carry at least two people, and apart from that, just as fast as possible. I'd need to rent it for at least the next 24 hours."

"Ahahaha!" The man gave a loud, hearty laugh as he patted his desk loudly. "I've got just what you need!" Our fastest speedboat here will cost ya $500 for a day!"

Leonard never came to the port often before, and if he did, it was just in transition. He was starting to see a trend here, the stores don't like to bargain and hassle around with prices. It was a decent price, and non-negotiable.

"Let's see it!" Leonard responded in kind.

Richard led Leonard to the back of the store where he had a couple of boats chained up. He started to pat a narrow red and white boat. "This one's our fastest small speedboat. A beauty, ain't it? Max speed 80 Knots, gotta be a bit careful driving this thing!"

"Looks great!" Leonard responded. "Just in case, do you have any other options you can show me?"

"Sure thing!" Richard showcased two other boats. They were cheaper, but simply not as good as the first speedboat he showcased. At least, not as good for his purposes.

"Looks like I'll be taking the first one!"

Leonard finalized the transaction, giving the man the agreed-upon price

The time was ticking, but he wouldn't ride off now. He needed to rent it now before the store closed. Now he had the keys and everything else he needed to simply use the boat. However, he was still waiting for the daily mission to come off cooldown. He needed to complete that mission before he went to attempt to infiltrate East Marshall's Warehouse. 'Speaking of the daily mission… What are the missions based on? I was going to come into conflict with the gangs, and the first mission was to kill a gangster. Was this a coincidence?' Leonard thought, 'I didn't think so.'

Leonard came back to the motel. It was turning night, but the daily mission still had two more hours to refresh! After all, he had completed the first one so late at night. He had nothing else to prepare, he just had to do the system mission, then do his own mission.

"Sigh…" Leonard reflected on his life and the trouble he has gone through, and still going through for Yukki's sake. "If I didn't care about her, I could simply leave and go on with my life, gaining riches safely with the system."

He flipped his revolver. "However, Yukki is the only person I care about! She is my happiness, without her, why live?" Before the system, he would rather die than live in the world without her!

Leonard stopped playing with his gun. He had some time to spare, why not explore the system some more?

'Let's check the prices of the various options that were introduced to me. He remembered the system said that the mission difficulties could be permanently upgraded with money.'

[Missions] +

[Daily Mission: Completed! 2H Remaining]+

[Difficulty: Tier 1 - $15000 to upgrade!]

'I also remember I can upgrade the tier of the shops, I might as well check that out...'

[Store] +

[Tier 1 Regular] +

[Upgrade Tier - $5000]

[Tier 1 Special] +

[Upgrade Tier - $25,000]

[Tier 1 Mystical] +

[Upgrade Tier - $100,000]

'I see…' A hundred thousand dollars was a huge sum, but Leonard wouldn't be surprised no matter what it took, after all, it was filled with things beyond his wildest imagination. 'Although this tier only provided temporary items, perhaps the next would provide permanent supernatural items, or perhaps talents, or magic!'

Something felt off to Leonard though. He had gotten this system after he completed two last trials. A combat trial and some sort of magic science trial. He was honestly not quite sure what the second one was. The system had nothing about it.

As he thought that, his thoughts were redirected to a new section on the system he had never seen before.
