Gangster Hideout Raid

'A hand…! A hand on his shoulder! Clearly, either there was another gangster, or one of them woke up and I didn't hear anything! '

'It's fine… it's fine…' Leonard calmed himself down. It wasn't so bad. Whoever has their hand on him was probably wondering who he was. Likely even had some guesses, but couldn't tell because of the cloak. Whatever it is, since he hadn't yelled out or attacked him, he's not in complete danger, not yet at least. Leonard formed a quick plan; he would distract him, and then would activate the noise suppression device and get rid of all the gang members.

Leonard slowly turned around, his left hand holding onto the device. It looked quite strange, so Leonard intentionally made it visible to the gangster so less focus would be on his masked face.

"Hm?" Leonard's small distraction worked as the gangster focused on the object being handed to them, clearly confused. 'Good less to worry about.' Leonard laughed.

"Tic!" Leonard activated the item by pressing into the red part at the top. Its golden ridges began to glow as the runes at the top moved around. Both Leonard and the gangster were highly intrigued by the item, yet Leonard had a mission to do. He only had a minute!

'Let's hope it's activated…!' It was completely silent, but it's not like it hadn't been silent before he activated it. Leonard sneakily put his hand into his pocket, which was on the side of his body facing away from the enemy. He pulled out his gun, then quickly moved as he took aim and pulled the trigger.

There was no noise as the bullet pierced into the man's jaw! 'I missed his head!' Leonard cursed. He figured should practice his gun skills eventually. 'What if I ended up missing and hitting Yukki!' He wouldn't doubt it, he hadn't handled a gun before. "....." The gangster fell to the ground, screaming, yet no noise came out. He began to crawl away, trailing blood from his body. 'He must be trying to wake the others!' Leonard thought as he kept shooting.

They silently fell down, slowly laying his head on the ground. Just in case, Leonard came up to the man, stepping on him, and executed him with a gunshot to the head.

'Fuck!' Leonard realized something. He had a revolver. A six bullet revolver. He had just fired all six of his shots. He had less than a minute left. It took him more than that to put the bullets in to begin with. He had no experience.

With his left hand, he hit the barrel of the revolver, expecting it to pop open. It did not. "NO!" Leonard exclaimed. He thought of a time long ago, forgotten to him. Elder Zhou used to have Leonard work for his shop back when he hadn't been old enough to work a job yet. Even though he never used it, Elder Zhou had a gun in his shop, just in case someone tried robbing it. Leonard even remembered seeing him reload after shooting at someone who had vandalized the store. Zhou stopped carrying his gun after the event since he was getting to an age where he didn't even have the strength to hold the gun up, shoot, or reload. So, Leonard thought hard...he had to press something for the cylinder to be able to come out!. He calmed himself down and retried it.

He put his support hand on the cylinder, hit the cylinder release latch as he brought the gun in. Then he pushed the gun's cylinder, rolling it over to the upper right as he held the cylinder in place. The cylinder came out.

He let go of the grip, holding the gun by the cylinder and used his main hand to hit the ejector rod, causing all the empty cartridges to fall out.

'Inventory!' He grabbed out six bullets and slid them in. He closed the revolver back up, and was amazed at himself regarding his speed! There was no time to be complacent, though, he was already at halftime. He picked up the noise suppression device. With his non-dominant hand. He didn't know the range of this thing, he would carry it around to be safe!

He ran around to the other side of the warehouse where the other four were sleeping. It was absolutely silent.

He ran up to one of them, placing the barrel near, but not touching his head. He pulled the trigger.

"..." The world may be silent, but the gun caused death as it always would.

One down.

He ran to another. Two down...

Pointing to the third, Three down...

Leonard was running over to the fourth and last gangster. As he ran, he suddenly heard something… 'heard something!?' "Fuck!" He felt his left hand get lighter as the noise suppression device ceased to exist. He was hearing his own footsteps as he ran!

He stopped running immediately, and simply aimed his revolver at the last sleeping gangster. Suddenly, they woke up from the noise of Leonard running around, and quickly rolled to the side as he saw the gun barrel pointing straight at him!


"SHIT!" The man screamed as the bullet whizzed by his head, narrowly missing! He immediately began to run behind cover as Leonard chased him. 'I can't let him pull out a weapon, I need to kill him now!"


Leonard shot at his back, the bullet sinking into the mans' shoulder.


The man screamed out once more. The pain was excruciating, but he was a gangster, he wasn't so easily fazed by pain. The scenes of his dead compatriots were haunting him as he ran! "Who are you!?" He was horrified! "Someone had sneaked in and shot every one to death! How!? How did he get in!? How did no one wake up to the gunshots!?"

He was rushing around, he didn't have his gun on him, it was in his bag, and there was no way he could get his bag now. As he ran from Leonard, he saw his chance! Next to the first gangster Leonard killed, there was an open bag on the floor with the gun spilled out! "Hah!" He lunged towards the gun and immediately tried to fire upon Leonard!

"Shit! I was too late!" Leonard saw this, and threw himself to the ground! He took a moment to aim, and took another shot at the man!

"Bam!" "Ah!" This one hit the man's leg


Leonard immediately retreated behind cover! He had noticed big empty shipping containers throughout the building and began using them to his advantage. He would be behind cover, uninjured, while the enemy would be out in the open, injured, he could just wait it out. 'Actually, what if he called for reinforcements…' He then remembered he had fired six shots, and reloaded once more.

"...DIE YOU PIECE OF-!" The man violently cursed as he strung out a long list of curses Leonard had never heard before! He was firing in Leonard's direction, yet it was futile as he was behind cover.

Leonard wasn't deaf. He was hearing what was happening, the gangster unloaded and wasted more bullets than he could count. He sat behind cover as the bullets collided with the containers until...


The gangster was out of ammo.

Leonard quickly sprinted out of cover and got ready to fire upon the gangster.

But, reloading the gun like this was not as hard compared to Leonard's revolver. So by the time Leonard had peaked over, the man already reached into the bag for an ammo clip.

"Ck ck ck"

The clip was in and Leonard was in the gangster's sights.