

Elena couldn't help it as she kept on vomiting until her throat went soar. And all this was caused by that horrible smell that she hadn't even known existed.

Like seriously! How could a devil possess such a terrible smell, or was even capable of producing one?

When uncle Basil had told her about the mercenary old man Bael brought back after his quest, it wasn't an understatement to say that she was beyond exhilarated, because she knew how much this matter had dowelled on uncle Basil's mind.

Considering he was the one in charge of the clan's security and was also the one responsible for the fortress security at all times, but due to the crisis, the clan had found themselves in and with the sudden number of surprise attacks that had been happening regularly, which had come from both thieves and other smaller clans who shared the same interest of attacking them in their time of despair.