Meeting lady Cynthia (2)

At first, it was just a normal afternoon like every other day.

Walking through the various shops and houses until I came to my office which I currently use in handling anything related to the financial affairs of the clan.

I had just decided to take over this work from elder Erostas. And even though I still didn't trust him, I still decided to do this because of my niece.

Of course, it wasn't for free as I needed to give something in return. But surprisingly Erostas didn't ask for anything but merely a favour.

And that was what troubled him. In this clan, right now, there were three groups of people.

Those who were opposed to the clan leaders' decisions, and had formed their own organization.

Those who had basically sold themselves to the enemies and was ready to betray the clan at any given time.

And lastly, those who were doing anything in their power to make sure that the clan still stood tall and overcame this crisis.