Witch orcs cleared out of the way, they got back on track. While getting back to carriage Liz saw bodies of dead soldiers, she wanted to collect their souls as well, but when she tried it, it was a failure.
"If only I came here earlier." Liz thought in her head without knowing that someone else could listen to her. "Now now, don't worry about something like this, you got 3 years ahead of you, and you are almost half way done. Relax. Being to strong can become a huge curse sometimes." Now the last sentence was something Liz was not expecting to hear. She nodded her head and tried sleeping.
But she could not, she thought that after gong through something like that and even using a skill 15 times, she would be tired. But instead she was full of energy. "What the?" Seeing her face Anais understood what the problem was and started explaining. "Soul collector allows you to refill some of your energy after collecting a soul from a being. Normally it would not refill that much energy, but you are still a kid and the energy you just got was a lot for you." Anais was deep in thought. " Since you don't have anything to do why not cultivate? You need to do that as well after all.
Liz knew this but she just wanted to sleep, for some reason she felt tired even when her energy was full. "Well, I guess I need to go through this for a better future." Anais giggled and responded to his old man words. "That's the spirit!"
Just like before Liz started cultivating. She noticed something which was that every time her MC got 10 more points the environment around her changes in the cultivation space. First there were clouds, and then the ocean, she could not spend a lot of time in the ocean part because she was busy with orcs and Anais. Now that her MC was 20 she was inside a 'jungle?' When cultivating in there she could feel being a part of mother nature. She could breathe easily and enjoy her time there.
She had finished cultivating unaware of the time again. "Welcome back!" Liz was welcome by the beautiful angel. "How long was I out fo-..." When looking around Liz noticed that she was no longer inside the carriage, she was inside a bed that was almost the same as the one she had in her previous hose. "Where the duck am I?"
Seeing Liz react like this Anais answered her thinking that she was not aware of her surroundings while cultivating. "While you were cultivating, the carriage reached a huge castle, and they carried you into this room. The light are out right not but the room is pink and there are painting-," "Alright alright, I get it. No need to go into details."
Right now Liz was interested in something even bigger. Her stats, last time she got up all the way to 17 just from doing it once. "I wonder how much I will have now." With a huge smile on her face Liz opened her system. [System]
< [Name]: Elizabeth Blade
[Age]: 0
[Race]: Human.
[Title]: Pet of the goddess
[LVL]: 4
[XP]: 275/300
[Status points]: 8 (Can't be used. AGE 5 needed.)
[HP]: 2/2
[MC]: 22
[Strength]: 1
[Agility]: 1
[Energy]: 8
[Skill tree]: OPEN
[Quests]: Daily: Cultivate for 2 hours. Reward 25 EXP.| Completed
"What?! Just 2 points? I guess I spent less time cultivating." Liz knew that it was going to get harder as she got stronger and all but she could not believe that it would be this hard. "W-r-o-n-g. You spent 5 hours cultivating. Its just normal, since currently your MC is above 20."
"Oh come on, I thought I could easily reach 120 and leave." Well, even though she wanted to leave its not like she wanted to leave this instant. She still did not know whether Anais was saying the truth or not when it came to Liz's family. So far they treated her with love so it was hard to believe it. But for some reason Liz felt a bond between her and Anais which made her believe most of the things.
Suddenly the door opened and figures entered the room. Since Liz could not get up or anything all she could do was to hear footsteps. The lights suddenly turned on which made Liz a little confused. "I thought there was no electricity in this world. " I don't know what you are thinking about but if you are interested in the light, they come from light crystals. They have infinitive amount of magic in them and they can be turned on just by a little action." 'So it was magic after all.'
Without having the time to think about the light even longer two figures popped in front of Liz. At first she thought that it would be her parents or the maids but in front of her, stood two boys.
They looked like they were around 14 years old. One of them had full black hair while the other one had snowy white. They both had red eyes, they looked like the male models Liz saw on the television in her past life.
"What the, she looks like a potato." The boy with black hair said which did not go unnoticed. Anais started laughing the second she heard that. She was rolling in the air while laughing which made Liz only angrier. If she could, she would have gotten up from the bed and slap that boy in the face.
"Yea indeed." The boy with white hair agreed and slowly poked Liz's eyes. "What? I never thought you would agree with me on something." A long sigh was heard from the white haired boy, "She is going to die anyways, what's the point in giving her attention and anything. Our parents can do whatever they want but i don't want to waste energy on someone who is going to die anyways. If we develop feeling for her our lives will just be harder than it already is."
Liz could not listen to their conversation anymore, they thought that the baby girl in front of them could not understand anything. They were talking about her fate right in front of her. "I never thought they would just come up to you and talk about it honestly. You are so lucky, what the heck?"
"I don't know why I am so lucky or anything. There is one thing that I know which is, I want to get the hell out of this place." At that second the expression on Anais's face changed dramatically. She looked happy and dangerous at the same time. If someone saw her like this they would be on their knees right now begging for forgiveness. It even made Liz feel slightly scared.
"Is something wrong?" It looked like Anais could not hear Liz, after a few more tries Anais snapped out of it. "Oh. Yeah alright. I will help you get out of here. And then you can live your life." Seeing her reaction Liz was worried. "Are you sure that you are alright?" Looking at Liz's face she could not hold it anymore.
"Well, Lizzy. I have been stuck in here trying to help every reincarnated person that came into this family. Every single one of them did not listen to me and wanted to stay in here and eventually died. Seeing you accept the reality easily made me happy. I have been stuck in here for 500 years. I want to leave as well." Hearing those words Liz felt bad for her. Having to go through something like this for five hundred years.
"I could not escape this rotation. When one dies another one comes, like an infinitive cycle. I was starting to not care abut this. But every time someone died I could feel the pain they went through. Since I failed in saving them." For the first time Liz saw Anais let out a tear from her eyes.
"Well. Don't cry over it. I will get out of here and break your curse!" Looking at Liz Anais felt like she was back in heaven again. But there was one more important thing that Anais hasn't told Liz yet, which was a lot more important than her life. But she did not want to set fire on Liz's mood, since it was the first time Anais found someone willing to leave the family.
{God of the "Stars" is interested in you.}
I am writing this novel while listening to music: Explanation to why almost everything is random.
There wont be a new chapter tomorrow.