
'I was running, and I felt so free as I ran through the grass until I stopped at a familiar tree and saw a woman sitting there humming softly, her brown wavy hair touching the top of the grass. "Mom!" I ran to the woman and hugged her. "Hello, my baby" she said smiling, I smiled and looked at her light blue eyes before nuzzling my face into her shoulder enjoying her warmth. I felt her start to sway from side-to-side humming a song softly that she would sing to me when I needed to go to bed. "Mooooom, stop I don't want to sleep yet" I whined, she laughed softly as she leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "Nooo kiss my forehead not my hair" I said looking up at her, she smiled more kissing my forehead then rubbed her nose against mine and I did the same smiling happily. "Let's go inside and get some food in that little tummy of yours so you can take a nice nap" she said, I nodded getting up quickly holding my hand out to her and She took it as I helped her stand up. She fixed her beautiful dress; it was a baby blue dress that matched her eyes and had red roses up the side that stretched along her neckline. I stared in awe at the beauty of it as I always enjoyed looking at her dresses. "Here I want you to have this Zinna" she said and took off an earring she had on and took the small moon off of it and put it on a chain from the necklace she was wearing. I watched her thread the moon charm onto the chain then she slipped it over my head onto my neck moving my hair some, I looked at it them smiled brightly. "Thank you, mommy!" I said happily, she nodded and said, "my love, is you ever feel lost remember to follow the stars."'

I sat up blinking away tears as I looked around and saw the soft orange glow from the sunrise as it poured through the curtains, I sighed then got out of bed to get dressed in clothes that were hanging for me in the closet. I walked out of the room going into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I saw Danial in the bathroom brushing his teeth and I gave him a small shy wave before slipping behind him grabbing my toothbrush to run some water over it. "Did you sleep okay Callisto?" He asked, I nodded glancing at him before looking at what I was doing. I grabbed the toothpaste putting some on my toothbrush before putting the toothbrush in my mouth. I put the toothpaste down on the counter then sat on the edge of the counter knowing Danial wouldn't get onto me for it. "You know if Sherry sees you sitting on the sink counter, she's gonna get on to you" Danial stated and I nodding knowing he was right because it has happened before. "I'll hear her footsteps; she walks heavy when she first wakes up and besides she uses the master bathroom cause it's in her room" I said muffled though the toothpaste. He shrugged some grabbing a hairbrush and started brushing his reddish-brown hair.

I kept brushing my teeth then leaned down some spitting out the toothpaste before sliding off the counter, rinsing off my toothbrush before stealing the hairbrush from Danial. "Excuse me" he said in a mocking tone of a woman. I snorted some walking out of the bathroom to go to Algol's room brushing my hair as I walked. "Time to wake up" I said sitting on the edge of his bed as I watched him sit up. I sat on my knees and started to brush his hair, he just sat there as he rubbed his eyes and grabbed his glasses. "Morning Callisto" I hummed some as I finished brushing his hair then got off his bed. "You can stay there I just have to change but it doesn't matter to me" he said, and I shrugged sitting back down. "I mean we've known each other since we were kids and it's not like we haven't changed in front of each other before, despite me technically being a girl..." I said pouting some at the end of it and he nodded patting my head before going to his closet to get clothes. "Green sweater" I said before he could ask and he just nodded and put on a button up shirt before putting the green sweater on. The sweater had a small, knitted heart on the left sleeve by where it would line up with his wrist, it was something Sherry had done for fun and Algol didn't mind it, so he kept the sweater. "Callisto, give me back my hairbrush" said Danial walking into the room and I held it up to him knowing he had noticed the blue hair on it. "Oh, come on you brushed Algol's hair with this too? He has his own hairbrush!" Danial whined loudly. I looked down sniffling softly acting like I was gonna cry. "C-callisto... I'm sorry I'm not mad..." Danial's voice got soft as he gently wrapped his arms around my head, I waited a few seconds inhaling deeply as he smelled like his sandalwood bodywash. I started smirking knowing Algol could see before I reached up and started tickling Danial's armpits knowing it would get to him.

Danial jumped slightly before he started to laugh loudly and moved away gently pushing me. I laid on Algol's bed and laughed some as Algol shook his head. "Algol how much do you study? Geez." Danial said looking at Algol's desk. Algol walked to his desk to clean it up some but just stared at the books on his desk. "Well, I want to be a doctor..." He said and Danial looked at his little brother with an almost sad look on his face and nodded. "I see well, I'm sure you can do it." I sat there watching the two talking to each other before Sherry came in. "Danial it's your turn to make breakfast you know the rules, Algol it's turn to do dishes do them now please" the two nodded and left the room and Sherry looked at me smiling. "You want to go work on a writing piece?" She asked and I smiled nodding as we walked to her room. I flopped onto her bed making a slight grunt but sat up, she handed me the notebook she always had me write in. "Go ahead and write was comes to mind" she said, I nodded grabbing the pencil and opened the book to a blank page and started to write thinking about the dream I had and figured to include something about it in the small story I was writing. When I placed the final period I closed the book and handed it to Sherry.

Sherry took the book and pencil smiling some, putting it away before she stood up. "welp go make your bed you messy child" she said I laughed and nodded before getting up and walking to my room making my bed and organizing some things in the room. Afterwards I sat on the floor doing some exercises and stretches before grabbing a book, sitting next to the beanbag and curling up against it, opening it to where my bookmark was. I started to read the book that was on the floor next to me and kept reading until I heard a knock on the door, I glanced up to see Danial peaking in the room smiling at me some and I smiled sheepishly back. "Can I help you?" I asked and he shook his head before fully coming in. "So Callisto" he started before sitting on the floor in front of me but still left a decent about of space between us. "Yes?" I asked and he seemed to be thinking about what he was going to say next. "So, do you know why he kicked you out or did he just kick you out? Because I remember him being really caring and supportive or was that an act?" He asked and I sighed softly looking down, I didn't really want to talk about it, but I knew I couldn't run from it forever. "Well, he just seemed upset and disappointed at first then just walked away before coming back and telling me to leave his house and to never return..." I said looking at the book in my hand.

I heard Danial sigh heavily and I could tell he was annoyed but he wasn't annoyed at me, that made me feel a bit better knowing he wasn't mad or annoyed with me but with my father. "I swear... It makes no difference who you like, it doesn't affect him any" I looked at him putting my bookmark in my spot closing the book. "I mean he supported the fact that your transgender but couldn't support that you like guys? What the hell is that" he said, I shrugged some before looking around the room. "Well after breakfast I'm going to the store do you want or need anything?" He asked me and I looked at him before looking off thinking. "You could get me glow in the dark stars I want to make constellations on the ceiling" I said looking at him and he smiled nodded. "Of course, now I gotta get downstairs before Sherry ye-" I heard someone clear their throat, Danial and I looked over to see Sherry standing in the doorway. I watched Danial stand up quickly and look at his older sister. "I'm gonna make breakfast I was just checking on Calli first besides Algol was washing dishes still" he explained then walk out the room and Sherry shook her head some before smiling at me, in which I returned then she followed Danial.

I grabbed the book standing up putting it back on the bookshelf before stretching again and going downstairs into the living room. I looked around before going into the dining room to see Sherry sitting down. "Hi Calli breakfast will be done soon but if you aren't hungry you don't have to eat yet." she said and I smiled saying "thank you sherry." Algol came over with two cups handing me one and taking the other for himself, I looked inside of it to see tea in it and thanked him smiling. He nodded, and we both sat down. I mostly just sipped on my drink tuning out everything around me, deep in my thoughts trying to figure out what my dream meant. I yawned loudly covering my mouth halfway through my yawn. "Did you wash your face? It would help you wake up a bit" I looked at Sherry as she finished her sentence, I shook my head no to answer her "Well finish your tea then go wash your face besides, it's healthy for you" I nodded and kept taking sips of my tea. I glanced over to Algol; he had his eyes closed as he sat in his chair. I smiled softly, slowly bringing my hand to his cheek and pushed it. He jumped a little and looked at me as I pulled my hand away. "Wakey wakey sleepy head" I said chuckling "I am awake" he said rubbing his eyes. "How do you not hit your hand on your glasses?" I asked and he looked at me and showed me what he was doing. "Ooooooh" I said, Sherry snorted some before starting to laugh loudly. "Geez woman, shut it" Danial said as he came over with a plate covered in toast that was cut into triangle pieces.

I waited until Danial put the plate down then I grabbed one and ate it with my tea, the sweetness of the tea and the saltiness of the butter put a small smile on my face. "You are so strange sometimes" I looked over at Danial and tilted my head at him, it was almost like he knew what I was thinking. "It's not a bad thing, it makes you special" I felt my cheeks heat up so I looked back at my cup of tea, I could tell Sherry rolled her eyes. "Go back to making food before it burns" she said, Danial groaned loudly like a child then stomped away making me and Algol burst into laughter. "Danial stop being weird!" Algol yelled, we didn't hear anything from him for a minute or so. "No!" Danial yelled back and I damn near chocked on my tea; so I swallowed it quickly coughing a little before I started to laugh. "Don't choke!" Algol said, I slowly stopped laughing and looked at him. "I'm fine Algol, calm down" I said, he shrugged some going back to whatever he was drinking, I never really questioned it. Sherry stood up and took her cup, that probably had coffee in it, to the kitchen. "So Cali, did you have any dreams?" Algol Asked I looked at him a little sad "I had a dream about where I got my necklace from, so a dream about my mom. I haven't had one of those in a while, so it was nice" I explained and he nodded knowing where my mental was. I yawned again stretching my arms above my head. "Why am I so tired?" I asked more myself than anyone else.