Mana training

Right after the bell ringed we left the school. It was four of us once again. When we arrived on my street I said goodbye and leave for home.

The plan was simple. Go home, prepare some tools use while training mainly mana crystals and liquid mana, then meet with her in the forest.

I didn't tell her about the church yet. I do trust her but mana lake is a game-changer. I want to keep it secret as long as I can. Not just because I don't trust her. The main reason is it can give mana to anyone. I confirmed it with Lydia.

I know she had mana in her eyes before but even if the lake gives mana only the people like her, it is a huge risk I won't take.

I arrived home and quickly went for my room. After changing my clothes I checked my mana battery reserves. It already dropped to half. I did give some to Lydia. And I spent more mana while practicing magic. I need to restock sometime soon.

After I gathered things we will use I put them in my bag. I already took out my books and such. Anyway, with this everything ready.

I left home and quickly went to the forest. The place I choose was far enough from the church. I can't risk the met with those who looking for mana stone. Or expose the lake.

The stone altar at the church is certainly something magical. When I closed it, traces of it being moved was gone. With it, mana lake will be safe for a while.

Lydia came to the meeting place just five minutes later than me. Good, she is not late. It is time to do mana training with Lydia.

"I thought you will be a few minutes late."

"Are you kidding? I can't even wait for this. Oh, I have a good surprise for you."

"Surprise? What is it?"

At that moment her eyes shine blue. No, not her eyes, iris in her eyes shined. She can go full mana eyes now. This makes things easy.

"It is indeed good a surprise. I am happy for you."

"Thank you. Now that I have learned mana eyes, what will you teach me next?"

Thanks to my increased mana pool I can show her a few tricks. I opened my palm and gather a little bit of mana on top of it. If I don't control the mana it will dissipate slowly.

Since I am familiar with it I will do lightning magic. Maybe I should call it thunder magic. Yeah, thunder. It sounds more comfortable, for me at least.

I created white sparks of thunder with the mana. Lydia's eyes opened wide and her mouth agape. I have been there too.


"I know. It is beautiful."

Soon mana dissipate and my little magic finished. But she was still in shock. Knowing and seeing it with your own eyes is different.

"So this is magic... And it is real..."

Her voice was low. There was sadness in it. And I could see tears are starting to form at the corners of her eyes.

"I am sorry... *sob* Mother... *sob* I didn't believe you when you needed me most... *sob* I am sorry."

She was sobbing so hard. Tears were ceaselessly running down her cheeks. She is crying because of guilt. I can understand her. I used to be the same.

I don't know when or how it happened but I hugged her. When I realized it I expected her to push me away but instead, she just grasped my shirt and cry on it. I guess she needs this.

When we are this close, I can't help but get nervous. I am not someone good at emotions. What if I make her sad? Well, even sadder. I don't know how to comfort people. Nora would do that for me... Nora what would you do if you were here?

A glimpse of memory flashed before my eyes. When we were just little kids Jason had an accident. And it was because of me. Or I thought like that. She hugged me hard whispered in my ears.

"It's okay. She knows that you didn't mean it."

She didn't answer and just kept crying. I know I can't fix it with just one sentence but I hoped it would show some effect at least.

"You are not a bad person. Your mother won't hate you. She was... just lonely and confused. All you can do now is make her proud."

"H-how... how can I make her proud... after all the things I said to her..."

"It is because she is your mother."

I know from my own mother. A mother loves her child. No matter what.

After hearing me she was silent for a while. Her crying and sobbing getting weaker. I hope this is a good thing.

"I... *sob* can't do this..."

She is crying again now. She usually looks strong and cold. So, when she cries like this I don't know what to do. At least speaking to her work a little.

I wanted to say to her 'You can do it but I couldn't. When I was like her, crying from guilt, it didn't work on me. It just made me even more depressed. Reminded me of the things I can, could do at that time... Emotions are too complicated for me.

"I will help you."

"you will?"

"Yes, I won't leave you alone. I will help you to make your mother proud."

"But... how can I do it?"

Her voice is getting stronger and her cries have stopped for now. This is good. She asked how. This is not good. I didn't think this far.

Mana. Her mother was misunderstood by everyone because of the mana and then died... It could be other persons like her. She can help them.

"You can help the people like your mother. Cure them, heal them, save them. I'm sure this would make your mother proud."

This is a long shot but it's all I got.

She thought for a while. Her cries and sobs already stopped. But my shirt is wet with her tears now. Not that it matters.

"Thank you. I will do my best to make her proud."