Unexpected help?

I don't know what to do. The forest around us quickly becomes a hell-like place. Even breathing gets harder because of all this smoke.

Lydia's condition is worse than mine. We have to get out of here. I looked around and tried to find a way out. All I could see was pitch black smoke and trees burning in crimson flames.

I screwed up. I caused this shit. We will die because of me. Hell, the fire might not stop even after we die. It probably will reach the city soon. It's only been fifteen minutes by the time it started.

I can suffer because of my mistakes but Lydia... She is innocent. I can't let her die.

"Lydia, I will open a path for you. When it is done go away from here."

"What about you?"

"I will try to slow it done. At least you get out of here alive."

She fell silent. I know that she wants to help me but she wants to survive too. Everyone would want to survive. And we have just met a few days ago.

I gathered every bit of mana I have and created a new magic spell. I won't chant this time. I will shape it myself.

Just in a few seconds, it was done. I pointed my left arm to the city. Fire even spread there. I took one last deep breath. A huge lightning bolt flew out of my left arm destroy everything on its way.


When she saw my spell she was in a daze. After hearing my shout she quickly came to herself and started running. While she was running away I fell on my knees.

I could feel my power slipping away from my body. At this point, I can hardly breathe. That's it. My time has come.

I don't know if it is real or not but, I can see Nora standing in front of me. A gentle smile on her face. Her lovely, long auburn hair, gentle face... This is her. I am sure of it.

"See that Nora. I saved someone."

Tears start to fall from my eyes. It gets so hard to breathe that my lungs start to burn.

"I am sorry...*sob* I c-couldn't save you...*sob* I am s-so-sorry"

I took a deep breath one last time. I want to say this. Even though with hurts just to breathe I will do it.

"I couldn't apologize to you when you were alive. I was too angry with myself. I... was afraid that you would never forgive me. Please forgive me, Nora. Forgive me for never realizing how much you were suffering."

With her gentle smile is the last thing I saw my vision completely gone black. It has come. I am dying. I wanted to live longer. I wanted to be the first mage on earth. But this is the end.


I heard a loud explosion. It was so far away and yet so close. What is this? My ear is ringing. Why? Am I not dead already? Why do I have no peace even after death?


I heard a shout. It gets closer. This voice... whose voice was this? I can't seem to remember. my memories are fuzzy.

"Can you hear me?! Oscar!!"

It's here again. Why are you yelling? Let me rest.

"I don't want to lose you! Not you too!! I can't let you die... Please wake up. Please..."

I... feel something. My chest hurts. My heart feels empty. What is this? Is it... grief? I... don't know.

Someone touched my cheek. I can feel the warmth. It feels gentle and sincere. When we were just kids, Nora used to pat my head gently.

My head is finally getting clear. I took a deep breath. My lungs aren't hurting much now. When I opened my eyes I saw Lydia.

There are traces of black smoke on her face but she looked amazing. Her blonde hair was glowing and disheveled. Some strands stick to her face because of sweat. Her emerald green eyes anxiously staring at me. When she saw me opening my eyes, a gentle smile appeared on her lips.

"I'm glad you are okay. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

My heartbeat is getting faster. I can imagine a crimson blush is spreading on my cheeks. Even though I know these, I can't look away from her eyes.

She must be embarrassed too because her cheeks turned crimson. I didn't realize that she was this beautiful.

"Keep living. It is too early for you."

I heard a gentle voice full of kindness. But this was not Lydia's. It is Nora's voice. She... helped me? Even in her death, she saved me.

Once again tears fell from my eyes. But this time not because of sadness.

"I got a second chance. I will live to the fullest. Thank you."

When Lydia heard me she smiled even more beautifully. I will find a way to bring you back Nora. I will thank you this way.

I get up and looked around. The trees near us were blown away. I can feel leftover mana from crystals. She probably used crystals as bombs to open breathing room.

"I will start with this forest fire. I will stop it."

Lydia gave me a bottle full of liquid mana. As far as I can see this is the last bottle. This means we have only one shot. I quickly drank the bottle. My mana pool grew larger once again. It should be forty times the amount I begin with.

Just as I was about the chant something weird happened. My necklace. It shined so brightly that I stopped and focus on it.

I know it is a mana crystal of some kind. But why is it shining now? More than usual. Don't tell me it will explode?!

"Do you need help?"

I heard a cold voice. It was weird because I didn't hear it with my ears. I guess I heard it within my mind. Just like Nora's. But this isn't her voice.

"Yes. I need help."

Right now I have nothing to lose. So, I will trust this voice. Or try it at least.

"Are you ready to sacrifice yourself to protect the ones you love?"

It's getting even weirder. But if I chant again ıt can cause another disaster without stopping the first one. Let's hope this will work.

"Yes, I am ready."

The moment I said it I had a headache. Some kind of knowledge entered my head. No, it was just a sentence. A chant.

[I offer my power to you, help me overcome the boundaries of the mortal realm, Undine!]

At that moment everything around me changed and I found myself on the ocean. At the center of the ocean, it was there. The thing gave me the fear for my life.