Power of the Undine

After the runes appeared my arm turned blue. Shined liked mana. Actually, it is mana. My arm turned into mana.

"With this contract is done."

"Thank you."

"Remember, don't die."

"I won't."

As soon as our conversation was over my vision blacked out for a second. I could see the world again. I was at the same spot. Everything was exactly the same before I got pulled into that ocean world.

Lydia is still struggling. This time I will save us, no, her. I will save her!

"I have a plan. Just hold on a little longer."

"I trust you."

"I won't let you down."

After the contract magic, spells I could use appeared in my head. I must say, there are a lot of them. But now I will only use one.


I pointed my left arm toward the sky. Suddenly blue light come out of my arm and flew to the sky. When it reached to sky it turned into a blue flash. After the blue flash rain clouds appeared in the sky.

This will attract a lot of eyes. But I can't care about it now. In just a few seconds a heavy rain started. Mana infused rain. It almost took all of my mana. But... it did take my left arm.

My left arm lifelessly fall. It still is connected to my shoulder but that's it. I can't move it nor even feel it. It just dangling there.

The good thing is the rain started fast. It was not enough now because forest fire is too far spread but it will eventually stop.

With the start of the rain, we gained breathing room. Black smoke around us cleared a bit.

"Are you okay, Lydia?"

"I am fine but... Can this spell stop the fire?"

"Yes, it will."

"Hey, are your arm okay?"

"My arm... It will get better."

Stopping the fire is more important right now. The fires that burn everything they touch to the ashes. With the rainfall spell, it will stop. I should get more mana just in case. My own reserves are almost empty.

"Lydia, where is my bag? There were mana crystals inside of it. They weren't much but we should be able to use them in case something goes wrong."

"Your bag... I didn't take it with us while carrying you out of the fire."

Right. She must have carried me. The place I blackout before is already burnt down. Wait! Those are mana crystals!


The earth beneath our feet shook. The explosion was so strong that a shock wave came after it pushed us away for several meters.

I stopped when I crashed into a tree. But Lydia wasn't lucky. She rolled for a few meters right after that a broken tree fell her light leg. I heard the breaking sound of her leg.


She yelled desperately. It must be quite a bad injury. But what is worse is forest fire grew even more powerful. With that massive explosion, mana inside of the crystals must have been released. If we don't get burned here I can heal her later.

We are back to the beginning. No, this time is even worse. Both Lydia and I are wounded. There are several burns around my torso and arms.

I rushed to her side. The tree that fell on her leg was small but heavy enough that I couldn't lift it with only my right arm.

"Lydia! Are you okay?!"

"It hurts!"

"Just hold on. I will save you."

She looked me in the eye. She knows our situation well. I have almost no mana. She can't control her mana. And massive mana-infused fire wave coming towards us. We are desperate.

"Go... I would only hold you back... Leave me and go!"

She is crying. I can feel tears are falling from my eyes too. Just a little while ago I made contract with Kairi to protect Lydia. I can't and won't leave her here.

"You can borrow my mana."

I heard Kairi's voice in my head. It was the voice that brought back my hope.

"But you have to know. After you use my mana I will have to go back inside of the cocoon. Until you can provide me enough mana that is."

So that's how it works. Thank you, Kairi. You helped me a lot. This time I will finish it for sure.

"Your welcome. Just don't die. You are my last hope."

I took a deep breath. At the runes on my left arm, there is a slight burning feeling. After the burning feeling, I can feel foreign mana filling up my body. This mana was so much denser than mine that I felt overwhelmed.

Even the mana streams in the air trembled. So this is the mana of Undine. Great Water Spirit.

I hold my left arm with the right one. It still dangling. Probably my left arm will be damaged severely. Anyway, let's continue.

Rainfall was a strong and basic spell. It would show its true power with time. It will cause rain that would continue for three days. But because of the explosion fire grew even more powerful that it won't take a day to reach the city.

I will stop it here! With the power of Undine, I will fix my mistakes!

I gathered all of the mana in my left arm. Several burn marks appeared on me because of too much mana. With this, I cast my spell.

[Breaker Wawe]

Mana gushed out of my left arm. Burning most of it in the process. After leaving my arm it turned into the water first. Then all of that water come together and shaped itself into a giant wave.

The giant wave crushed towards the fire. When the two of them collided a large amount of steam come out of it. The steam was so hot that even it burned my skin. If this continues I will turn into a fried potato.

When the steam cleared a little I could still see some fire. But it was so small that rainfall can stop it. I finally took a calm breath of relief. In a few minutes, the fire died. Now the only thing left is saving Lydia.

"I will try to lift the tree trunk. When you got the chance, escape from it. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I am ready."

I took a deep breath. I only need to lift it enough so she can roll over to the other side. I gathered all of the remaining power I have. With only my right arm I can't do much, unfortunately. At that time I heard a voice I didn't know. There was no way I could have know that owner of this voice will be an important person for me later on.

"Do you guys need help with that?"