Teaching Jason (2)

"Your eyes..."

"They look cool right. It gave me a much greater view around me too. Like 180 degree view, I guess."

It was his irises expanding then. Not only he has a fire affinity he also has some different eye power. What is this, a cheat? Why does he have a cheat?

"It has cheat-like powers you know. When I use them I can feel a slight burn on my whole body but that's it."

"You aren't some reincarnated protagonist, right?"

"No... Why are you asking me that?"

"I feel like you are a cheater. Hah... I need the work even harder now."

"Don't mind it. I want to test something."

He goes and grabs a bottle from his bag. Before his mana hit zero he drank a bottle of liquid mana. We use it too much these days. After dealing with the spirit problem I need to do the proper research on it.

After finishing the bottle he puts it into the bag again. He took a deep breath and created another fireball. Making this one the biggest so far. It was two times the size of his fist. He didn't struggle much while doing this.

"It gets easier to control it when I activate these eyes."

So, they also help with his fire control... What a cheat!! I feel jealous now. Hmm... I have an interesting idea.

"What about a spar? Are you up for it, Jason?"

"A spar? Why not? I will show you the power of my fire!"

He deactivated his eyes. They consume mana more than mana eyes. It is exciting to see different eye power.

We both drink some liquid mana to fill our reserves. I checked his body and saw the amount of mana he has in his body. It was a little less than half of my mana. Well, we won't fight to the death so it doesn't matter much.

He focused and activated his eyes once again. The moment his blue irises turns into a fire and expands is fascinated me. I want to have cool eye power too! Mana eyes are good but it didn't give me many benefits. Maybe it did? I should look more into this later.

The changing of his eyes did not even take a second. After that, he gathered both of his hands and created a big fireball. Here we start! I will show you the fruits of my hard work!

He threw the fireball at me. I quickly gather mana in my hand and turn it to the water. It was only half the size of the fireball but it was packed with mana. I throw the water ball to the fireball and they collided in the midair. When they collided some steam come out of it. I can still him with my mana eyes, his preparing another fireball.

It's time to use my main affinity! I made a bolt of thunder and threw it before he can release his fireball. He surprised me by reacting at the last second and send his fireball to my bolt of thunder. I say a bolt of thunder because it is painfully slower than lightning.

I did think that thunder magic is a good name and easier. Aside from it being a good name, it is true that it is easier. Because thunder magic is weaker than lightning. Perhaps this is because of differences in the images. I always thought thunder is weaker than lightning.

Anyways, after saving himself by reacting fast, Jason jumped away. But before he can land another water ball hit him from the back and sending him a few meters away. The second water ball belongs to me of course. I did create a single mana string while he activated his eyes. I made the mana string from my left foot and send it to the lake next to us. While we exchanged our first spells he never pays attention to my foot.

After some rolling on the ground, he gets up. Because of the passive strength, mana gave our bodies this much is nothing to us. I was thinking to solve the mage's most obvious weak point with enchantment magic but it isn't required anymore.

"I didn't expect that one. You really deserve that self-given title."

"Hey! Spirits acknowledge it. I am the First mage on Earth!"

"Yeah, yeah... I get it. Let's continue!"

"You asked for it!"

I felt my lips tilting upwards. This is even more fun than mana training! I created two more bolts of thunder and send them to him. It is the first time that I have created two. My aim is slightly off. Seeing the bolts of thunder coming him Jason calmly dodges them. This is the greatest weak point of my thunderbolts and similar other thunder spells. They can only go one direction and can't change it midway.

After dodging them Jason made a fireball and changed its shape into a bolt and threw it to me. He... copied my attack now. I made a plate of water and stop the firebolt in midair.

"You just stop my firebolt with... a plate?"

"It was delicious."

He pouted a little. Then quickly grinned. He rushed at me. This is unexpected for me. What is the planning? When he neared me he did something strange. Stopped. but a second later fire appeared under his feet and flew to me. He flew!?

I was late to react and he threw a fireball at me. Shit! This is going to hurt! The fireball hit my chest and threw me backward a few meters. Right after falling to the ground I quickly get up. Fireball didn't damage my clothes, so he didn't put much mana into it.

"Let me return the favor."

I pointed my right hand to him. While was looking at me waiting for my move I already made it. I sent two mana strings in his direction. He didn't react so he can't see the strings. I condensed them enough then. When he tilted his head I made the strings wrap themselves around him.

I turned them into thunder. He was literally shocked. Heh... It was funny to see him liked that. He fell to his knees. I only shocked him to paralyze for a few seconds. Not enough to hurt him. I slowly walked towards him.

"It was good. But I didn't work hard to get defeated by your fireballs."

"Hey, do you know why I usually win against you when we play football?"

"Hmm... What is it have to with this spar?"

"It is about the answer. Can you answer my question?"

He is trying to buy time. But I want to see what he will do. Let's play with him for a while.

"I don't know the answer. What is it?"

"It is because you start to celebrate early. You have let your guard down. Again."

The moment he said those words, he lifts his head and looked at me. I felt a bad promotion. And I was right. His mana decreased but there was no spell I could see on him. What did he do?

Before I know it a firebolt hit me in the back. Because of the unexpected impact, I flew towards him. At this point, his paralyze was undone and he cast a small fireball and threw it to my face. After the second impact, I fell to the ground.

My head was dizzy for the next few seconds. I was careless. I did the same attack on him previously. Right from his back. He used something different but the end result was the same. I felt rage. It was directed to myself. I was careless with the forest fire and careless with Jason too.

My blood boiled and rage intensified. I can't be careless from now on. I have to be more careful, stronger, and prepared. I took a deep breath. There is a strange feeling like something is blocking me. I took another breath. As my rage increase, I felt the block more clear.

"Oscar... your eyes... they are glowing golden"

I remembered the words of Lydia. She said them to me right before I fell unconscious. Why am I remembering them now? And what did she meant with 'glowing golden'? Hm? There is something warm on my cheeks. It is blood. And it is coming from my eyes...

When I opened my eyes I felt a sudden rush of headache. Ugh! Somehow world around me changed. No... It becomes clearer. But before I could inspect the surroundings, Jason gets my attention.

"Oscar... Your left arm..."

He was pointed at my left arm with a terrified expression. My left arm was glowing with a faint blue light. But the runes on it were glowing crazily with a golden hue. When I saw that light even I get scared of it. It gave me the same feeling as Kairi's cocoon.