The Fury Of The Worthless (1)

It was slightly past midnight. Oscar woke up for a glass of water. While drinking water he looked outside.

"*sigh* It's been a hard day." He said with a low voice.

The thing with the bullying incident tired him mentally. Remembering Nora and the thing he did after her death... He shook his head to clear away his thoughts.

"Seems like my sleepless nights are coming back to me."

He took a deep breath. Since he can't sleep he started to practice magic. He gathered mana on his palm and shaped them into mana strings. He can do seventy mana strings with all of his mana reserves now.

As for the spells he usually uses, they were taking more mana when using. Lightnin bolt is the one with the heaviest mana consumption. After the fight with spirits he is training new spells but he didn't have a chance to use them.

He is planning to use lightning and thunder magic for attack and water magic to support. Without relying on the chants he needs more magic and spells. Spirits have overwhelming power. While Kairi is still on her cocoon he can't use most of the undine spells. Because most of them need spirit mana.

After practicing with mana string for about fifteen minutes he dispelled it and focus on new magic. It was advanced magic he thought the create.

Mana on his palm turned into the water but it was barely about his fist's size. Water floated above his palm and took the shape of a ball. After a few seconds ball slowly froze. Yes, it was ice magic he was practicing these last days. It can increase the offensive and defensive spells he has.


Just as he was thinking about the spells he sensed a large amount of mana. After activating his spirit eyes he could see that it was spirit mana.

"Another one!"

He quickly left his house. While rushing to the spirit's side, he thought about alerting the other two but he noticed that he forgot his phone in his room. Just when he thought of going back to get his phone back he sensed that spirit's mana increased at least twofold.

"What's happening?"

This much increase in a moment at that is something definitely dangerous. He can't let it wait any longer. He rushed towards where he felt the spirit. While running he noticed that he is going towards the docks. A few minutes later he could see the fires at the docks.


After a moment a large explosion happened and Oscar fell on his butt. It was an explosion full of mana. Compared to explosion maniac loli's magic this was nothing but in the real-life, this was enough to kill a lot of people.

He get up and run towards to fires explosion caused. They were brightening the night sky. He was able to hear many screams coming from docks. When he arrived there he saw a massacre.

Many disfigured bodies were lying on the ground. Some were missing limbs, some were burnt severely. Oscar couldn't hold in and started to puke. Even though he saw Nora's corpse, it wasn't in this bad state. This was something inhuman, monstrous even.

"Wh-what is t-this?"

He walked to the center of the massacre looking for the Spirit responsible for all of this. His heart was beating wildly. He could see the traces of the spirit mana, covering almost every corpse on the ground.

"I was naive. I thought I could stop spirits before... something like this happened."

He clenched his fists and swore in his heart that he will stop the one who is responsible for this massacre and will prevent anything similar from happening in the future.

"Oscar... Williams..."

When he heard someone muttering his name, he felt chills send down his spine. He slowly turned in the direction of the sound came. He saw a teenage boy standing in the middle of the corpses. Oscar immediately remembered who this person was. It was Joseph Ferbend. The bully he and his friends had a fight with a few hours ago.


Joseph wasn't looking like a normal human. There were gray cracks all around his body, his eyes were bleeding, one of his arms was covered with something like a glove made out of bones but gray in color.

His body was packed with an unimaginable amount of spirit mana that Oscar had trouble believing that this person was human, to begin with. But seeing him covered in the blood of his victims enraged Oscar.

Oscar quickly cast the ⟨Lightning Bolt⟩ to Joseph. A glowing white orb of lightning appeared on his right hand and suddenly rushed to Joseph. It was stronger and faster than usual. Oscar believed that with this spell he could paralyze Joseph and took him somewhere else to deal with spirit mana inside of his body. But what happened shocked him to the core.

Joseph simply raised his right hand covered with gray bones. The bolt of lightning rushing to him simply disappeared. Oscar couldn't believe his eyes. One of his stronger spells disappeared just like that. Seeing that Oscar was surprised Joseph grinned crazily.

"Did you see that Williams? I have power now, no one can look down on me anymore!!!"

While shouting spirit mana leaked out of Joseph's body. Cold sweat appeared on Oscar's face. He gritted his teeth and approached Joseph.

"Oh, you are approaching me?"

"Shut up!"

A spear made out of water appeared near Oscar. He used one of the new spells he practiced recently. It was ⟨Water Spear⟩ and one of the three offensive water spells he had.

Spear rushed to Joseph only to disappear just like the previous spell he cast. But this time Oscar was calm. He had a backup plan, suddenly several rubbles flew toward Joseph. Just like at the dual against Jason, Oscar used mana strings to sneak attack, Joseph.

Joseph was surprised by the sudden appearance of rubbles from the buildings he crushed. But nonetheless, he wasn't afraid. He raised his bone-covered hand and big spikes made out of bone come out of the ground and blocked the rubbles.

"How can he be so strong?!"

Oscar was nervous, it was the first time he saw Joseph using magic. He thought that Joseph was somehow made a contract with a spirit but seeing it with his own eyes was something entirely different. And the magic he used can't be something normal.

"You are strong, Williams. And a sneaky little bastard."

Joseph's voice was hoarse. While he was talking several cracks appeared on his throat and mana leaked from them.

"But I am stronger now. And soon enough I will show all of the Daxhoull that I am the strongest human!!"

Oscar hated to admit but with the spirit mana covering his body Joseph was too intimidating for him. Oscar quickly cast several ⟨Water Spear⟩ and send them to Joseph. A second later he sends ⟨Lightning Bolt⟩ towards the spears.

When the lightning hit the spears three of them became charged with intense electricity. Joseph made the spears disappear but the electricity in the three of the spears merged and became a bolt of lightning once again. Before Joseph could react he was hit by it right on the chest.

When Joseph flew several meters away Oscar didn't stop and gathered some of the rubbles nearby with the help of his mana strings and threw them to Joseph. Oscar knew that if Joseph was unprepared he would be crushed under the rubbles he just threw. But looking around and seeing the many corpses he wasn't hesitating. If he could catch him alive and make him talk about how he encountered the spirit, it was good. But stopping and preventing any possible massacre in the future was even more important.

But what he expected didn't happen. Right after the rubbles fell on him, Joseph come out of them by destroying them to pieces. The bone gauntlet on his right hand grew and now covered all of his right arm.

"This was a good move! Are you ready for more, Williams!!!" Joseph yelled with his hoarse voice and now bleeding throat. Against him, Oscar could only gulp with fear.

"What a monster!!" yelled Oscar on his mind. He only realized now that the real fight was just beginning now.