The Fury Of The Worthless (3)

"Oscar... you killed Oscar."

Aiken stood still. Looking at Oscar, who is still lying on the ground. His eyes filled with fear. Oscar was his last hope and he died before his eyes. He glanced at the murderer of his hopes.

"Joseph Ferbend..."

Only half of his face was visible. The other half was covered with bone armor. But it still couldn't cover his nasty smile. Joseph was rejoicing because he killed Oscar. The one person who could stop him.


Right at the moment, he was delighted, he heard a strange sound of a bird. When he turned his head he saw a blade of wind glowing with a slightly green hue coming to him. He could evade it barely. Unfortunately, he didn't expect the second blade.

The second wind blade cleanly cut his arm from the shoulder. "AGH!!!" Joseph screamed and fell on his butt. His face turned pale with fear. He looked at the person who cast the spells at him.


The person who cast the spells was Aiken Rextert. He was the son of the principal who expelled him and cause his father's company to bankrupt. And now his son cut his arm off. Joseph glared at the Aiken with deep hatred.


"I will make you suffer for what you did."

"Huh?! Do you want to play hero, too? It is unexpected to see you care about the worthless workers."

"Workers... I don't care about them."

Joseph was surprised but before he could open his mouth several wind blades rushed at him. Joseph covered his face with his right arm. Wind blades collided with his armor. Wind blades left deep cuts on the armor.

Joseph was terrified of the power of Aiken. The spirit he made a contract with never told him anything about Aiken. It was only a minute or two but Aiken already pushed him to edge. Oscar was strong but he didn't aim for the kill no matter how much he was angry. But Aiken was different, he was going for the kill from the beginning.

Joseph couldn't help but take a step back in fear. Aiken's cold and murderous glare made him want to cower. He never felt something like this before, not even from his father.

"W-what are you?!?!"

"Human, of course. But you should worry about what I'm going to do to you."

Aiken cast another spell and bullets made of condensed air appeared before him. Bullets move very fast and pierced the deep cuts in Joseph's armor. Joseph screamed in agony. While screaming he place his right-hand ground and tens of huge bone spikes appeared from the ground and act as his shield.

"You can't hide behind walls, you worthless jackass!!"

Aiken gathered wind around his right fist. It was glowing with green light. Aiken ran toward to spike wall and punched it with his right fist. Wall easily crumbled to pieces by the sheer power Aiken applied. He was smiling at what he accomplished. But when there was nothing behind the walls he was dumbfounded.

Joseph took the opportunity and punched Aiken in the face. Aiken never saw the fist coming towards him, he only felt it. Aiken flew away and crashed to the ground. After crashing he rolled a few times. He stands up and glared at Joseph with hostility. Joseph's previously missing arm was attached back to its place.

"It's my turn to play!!!"

Joseph rushed at Aiken with frenzy. He created a bone blade and swing it to him. But unexpectedly it stopped in the midair. It shocked both Joseph and Aiken. Before anyone could react Joseph was struck by a strong electric current.

Aiken looked behind Joseph and saw Oscar. Standing on his knees with breathing heavily. On his chest was a big wound but it was looking better than before. Oscar's right hand was stretched forward to Joseph. He closed his fist and Joseph fell to the ground.

"Haah... haah... It seems like you are not an ordinary person, Aiken."

"Look at the person who says that. I thought that you died."


Oscar breathed deeply, tried to get as much air to his damaged lungs. Oscar healed himself enough to barely survive. But the longer he stayed there his wounds were getting worse.

'Fortunately, my necklace was with me' thought Oscar. Absorbing mana from it saved his life but not without side effects. The mana in the necklace was too different from the variants he saw before. After absorbing even a little amount of it, his body started to heat up like crazy. After the heat came pain.


Oscar absorb more mana from the necklace but the moment mana entered his body it wreaked havoc on his body. Oscar vomits a mouthful of blood. He gritted his teeth and control the mana slowly. Mana has healing ability all Oscar does is control it so that it doesn't wreak havoc and guide it to the place where healing is needed.

After forcefully healing himself Oscar weakly stands up. Aiken came to his side and helped him. The wound on Oscar's chest was almost closed at this point.

"Are you okay?"

"I can hold on until we finish this. It's just that, I need mana."

"Mana? What's that?"

"How do you use magic?"

"My bird, Joey gives me power. With that power, I can control wind albeit not entirely."

"That power is mana."

"Oh! I see."

Aiken nodded to himself like he solved one of the mysteries of the world. But it was true. He did solve one of them. But it wasn't the time to delve into the mysteries of the world.


Oscar felt that his heartbeat quickened. When he looked at the front he could see Joseph was getting up. He cursed at Joseph in his mind. He gathered all the mana he absorbed and activated his spirit eyes. Activation of his eyes has become faster but they still consume a lot of mana.

Oscar's eyes glowed golden and the world around him become clearer to him. He took a deep breath and tried to attack Joseph with the water. But he dodged every attack. Now all of his body was covered with bone armor. Even if an attack hit him it couldn't damage him.

At the same time, Aiken fired several wind blades at Joseph but all of them were canceled by Joseph at midair. Aiken was able to hurt him because Joseph didn't know about him. But now everything is different. Joseph was using all of his power now.

Joseph lifted his hand high. On the palm of his hand appeared a fireball. It quickly grew in size. After seeing this drop of cold sweats appeared Aiken's forehead. He saw fire magic before when Oscar chanted it but it was from the distance that time. Right now after seeing it this close, he felt scared.

The fireball was the size of a basketball. But the heat it contained was too intense. Oscar quickly put a wall of water and second, later joseph threw the fireball at them. When the fireball hit the water wall a lot of steam was created. But also its impact was so strong and Oscar and Aiken fling away.

Joseph didn't stop there and rushed to Oscar. He planned to crush his head and killing him. Oscar annoyed him enough today, it is time to get rid of him. Joseph swings his fist to Oscar's head. Oscar ducked his head and plunge to Joseph. Because of Oscar's quick movement, Joseph was taken aback.

"I hope this works. Here goes nothing!"

Oscar's palm touched Joseph's chest. He tried to absorb the spirit mana in his body. And he succeeded. When the spirit mana rushed into his own body, his eyes let out a blinding golden glow. He felt the familiar sensation of his mind being polled somewhere else.

"Finally." he thought before the scene in front of his eyes change.