I Have A Bad Feeling About This

"What is happening?"

Aiken was alarmed because of the appearance of the sudden golden light. When Oscar's palm touched Joseph's torso suddenly a blinding golden light appeared. Aiken didn't know where it exactly come from but he guessed it was something Oscar did.

Light fade away just a second later. Oscar quickly gathered a lot of mana and cast a strong spell. It was ⟨Crashing Wave⟩ same spell he used on the night of the forest fire.

Mana turned into water and formed a big wave. It was 3 meters tall and had a crashing effect. Oscar cast the spell while he was still touching Joseph's torso. Because this spell was even more effective than Oscar thought. A large section of Joseph's torso was torn to pieces and the rest of his limbs bend to the unnatural directions. Even his head was gone.

"So this is his power... his true power..." muttered Aiken while watching the outcome of the spell he saw before. This was the second time he saw the same spell. He quickly understand it because of the way water moved. It was very unique in his mind. But, he couldn't imagine the destructive power the spell holds.

He unconsciously took a step back. He didn't hesitate to attack with killing intent Joseph earlier. But seeing this state of Joseph was too much for him.

Meanwhile, Oscar was on his right knee and panting hard. He used more mana than he normally use at this one spell. After learning the damage his body took from the mana he can feel the state of his body now. It was concerning but he can't deal with it now.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Aiken runs to his side. Oscar forced himself to stand up. His body was hurting all over because of the sudden mana loss but he could still fight. I can fight but not long, he thought. He was looking at Joseph, his body was still healing. All of the missing parts slowly regenerating, broken bones reconnecting with each other and the joints that were bend impossible angles being bend back to their original places.

"It is disgusting!" said Aiken. He was shaken by Joseph's quick recovery of the lethal wounds. He remembered that Oscar too healed a lethal-looking wound. "Can you do that too?" he asked with curiosity.

"No, I can't. Even he shouldn't be able to heal from that" said Oscar. His tone was serious. He grimaced remembering how much mana he waste only to Joseph heal again.

In just a few seconds Joseph completely healed. Even his head regrew from his neck. It was a disgusting sight but for Aiken and Oscar, it was more depressing than that. There was a blank look on his face but not even a second later it was replaced with a deadly smile. Oscar gulped his saliva with nervousness.

His healing getting slower but it is hardly noticeable. And that blank look, maybe his mind took big damage from his head being destroyed to pieces. Even so, how can I kill him without running out of mana? I can't trust Aiken and empty all of my mana on Joseph. It is too troublesome, thought Oscar.

"Do you have enough mana?"

"For what? As far as I can see, nothing works on him."

"...you are right."

Joseph was approaching them with slow steps. His steps were slow but unsteady. Aiken gathered his mana on his fists. Seeing the situation he felt overwhelmed but still, he didn't want to go down without fighting. On the other hand, Oscar was carefully observing Joseph. Trying to find a weakness he can use against him.

"I can help you."


Oscar was surprised when he heard a voice inside his head. But he quickly calms down. It was the voice of the Kairi.

"We can talk this way thanks to our connection."

"This is very useful. So how can you help me? He regenerates even after I blew his head up."

"You can trick his healing ability. Freezing him from the inside can work."

"I see."

It is a cruel thing to do to a human but Joseph slaughtered a lot of people tonight. Even if some of them might be bad but rest was innocent. Thinking like this Oscar resolved himself for the deadly attack.

"Aiken if you distract him I might defeat him."

"How am I supposed to distract him? He will just cancel my every attack."

"Then don't attack him. Attack very close to him. It might work."

"Let's try it then."

Aiken rushed at Joseph and send several wind blades at him. The blades didn't go towards Joseph but just a few steps in front of him. When they touched the ground they explode and dust-filled Joseph's vision.

Joseph was about the swing his arm to get rid of the dust that filled his vision a loud explosion was heard. It was away from the hangars but loud enough to be heard.

Oscar took this chance and sneak his way to Joseph's back. In his distracted moment, Oscar touched his back and activate his spell.

"⟨Freezing Dream⟩"

His mana quickly depleted and the spell different from all the others activated. A freezing chill appeared and a second later thin ice covered Joseph's body. But inside of him was already frozen. Just as Kairi predicted Joseph's regeneration power didn't work. Because his body was still intact and not damaged.

"We... made it?"

"I guess..."

"It was... anticlimactic. Why didn't you do this from the beginning?"

"I get help to able to do this spell."

Oscar takes a step back and carefully inspects Joseph's body for any clear sign of him waking up. He finally breathe with relief. He moved further just in case of something unexpected happening and sit down on the ground. Aiken moved and sat down next to him.

"What made him like this?"

"He made a contract with a spirit."

"Can you explain it with more words? I don't understand."

"Spirits are a different kind of beings when you compare to humans. I don't know much but you can make contracts and gain their power. But to make the contract you have to give them something. In my case, I give my left arm. Even you must have made a contract to be able to use magic."

"So, Joey, my bird is a spirit. It did drink my blood from my wound before. This magic stuff is sure interesting."



Oscar and Aiken immediately turned their heads to the source of the cracking sound. Both visibly tensed. Meanwhile, even Kairi was shocked. The thin layer of ice that covers Joseph's body cracked and fell off.

"He can't heal from that... Right?!"

"I sure hope so."

Joseph's body released a gray light. The light gets more intense as seconds start to pass by. Aiken nervously gulps his saliva. The light fades after a minute. Joseph's body was no longer looking like a human. His skin was gray and full of cracks, his eyes were red, his hair turned white, and even looked dead.

"I have a bad feeling about this," said Aiken. He could feel his instincts screaming at him about the danger Joseph can cause. Meanwhile, Oscar was petrified. His Spirit Eyes were still active so he saw what truly happened.

"Spirit mana..." he muttered with a low voice. Joseph's body was filled to the brim with spirit mana. He thought that spirit finally took over Joseph's body and he was right.