Spirit of Nullification (2)

" ⟨Vacum Punch⟩ "

Aiken punched Kulligar's face head-on. Upon contact with his skin, the air around Aiken's fist released. The furious winds caused many wounds on Kulligar's face. Unfortunately, they were too shallow to cause serious injury to him. His skin was tougher than human skin after all.

Kulligar quickly punched Aiken in his stomach and send him flying. But before he could take a breath Oscar come and kicked his head. Not a second later Jason appeared behind him and also kicked him on the head. They were combo attacking Kulligar.

Kulligar lost his balance and fell on his knees. Oscar was rejoiced and prepared to attack again. But a moment later a dome made of bones covered him. Seeing this the trio leaped back. There was a frown on Oscar's face.

"Tch! He got under the dome, again!"

Aiken was frustrated. They were fighting for a while and when they were so close to defeating Kulligar, he just creates a shield around himself and stays inside until he heals. This already happened several times. The shield was protecting Kulligar from both magical and physical attacks. Jason and Oscar are getting irritated with this too.

"Should I break it?" asked Jason. He already prepared a spell to destroy it. But he wasn't sure he could really break it.

"I have an idea. I think I can provide flammable gases for you to burn," said Aiken. As soon as he said this, an excited expression appeared on Jason's face. When he nodded at Aiken, he cast the spell.

Aiken started with his spell. He was inexperienced when it comes to magic. But thanks to Joey, he knew wind spell on instinct level. This spell was too costly for him. All of his mana was depleted but the surroundings of the bone dome were covered with flammable gases almost visible to the naked eye.

Right after Aiken, Jason fired his spell. Unlike before he chanted this time.

{The mighty flame that burns my heart! Show the true despair to my enemy! Burn him with my rage!}

All of the mana Jason has left his body and turn into a snake made out of flames. It had a sinister smile that was enough to scare anyone. It rushed at the dome and when it got into contact with the flammable gases, there was a huge explosion.

A heatwave washed over surroundings, the ground shook and flames rose too high in the sky. The flames of the explosion turned into more snakes and all of them finally broke down the dome. They directly collided with Kulligar.

"AGHHH!!! I should be able to kill you!?! Why is my power is draining from me?!?!?"

While Kulligar was shouting with frustration Oscar finished his spell. After shaping the mana and sending it to Kulligar's surroundings he brought his hands together.

" ⟨Water Cage⟩ "

Mana around Kulligar changed and turned into water. Then it turned into tentacles and bind Kulligar's body. And finally, water becomes slimy and sticky.

"W-what is this?! I don't like slimes!! Even I'm not into this!?!"

"⟨Heaven Fall⟩"

Just a second later Oscar finished his second spell. Suddenly a bolt of majestic lightning falls from the sky directly to the Kulligar. It was so powerful and bright that anyone who saw it shook with fear. Just as the light disappeared Oscar rushed forward.

Kulligar was heavily injured but still alive. Even before Aiken and Jason could surprise Oscar arrived in front of him. Oscar's body glowed brighter than ever. The golden glow gathered around his fist and he punched Kulligar's torso. Directly to the heart.

"It is over, I will never let you and your friends accomplish their plan."

Oscar ripped his heart off. Without his heart, Kulligar's body fell to the ground, quickly dying. Oscar stood up before the lifeless body that previously belongs to Joseph. He looked at the heart his holding, it gave a gray glow and turned into a glowing stone. A spirit stone thought Oscar.

Aiken and Jason run to Oscar. They both looked at Joseph's dead body. It was the first time to see a dead body for them. Jason couldn't stand it and vomited. Aiken just stared at the body. There was a cold glint in his eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.

"It is finally over, ha."

"Yes, it is."



From afar stood two figures. One was the person who checked Joseph's body right after he made a contract with Kulligar. He was clenching his fists looking at the things that happened at the docks. He was Greuw. A High Pig Spirit.

The other figure was a dark blur that was impossible to determine its physical aspects. Still, it gave a dangerous feeling to the one he nears now. Greuw was sweating feeling the power he releases with just being present.

"Kulligar has failed."

"Asmodeus, I-ı c-can fix this."

Asmodeus didn't talk. He just stood there and observed Oscar. He was watching from the very beginning. Through all of the fight, he just observed.

"I w-will k-kill this mage! T-then w-we will accomplish our plan."

"You will not touch Oscar Williams."

Asmodeus' tone was even scarier than normal, thought Greuw. He was afraid of him because Asmodeus was well known in the Spirit Realm because of his cruel acts and power.

"B-but why?"

"Velcro and I made a plan. We will use him to break the curse."


Greuw was frozen when he heard Asmodeus' plan. He felt that his mana circuits blocked and his mana stopped. The curse was the ancient problem every spirit had.

"B-but T-the C-council-"

"They acknowledge him and granted him the title. They will protect him. I only need him after he gains enough power. Make him fight the inferior ones. I have a way to divert The Council's attention."

Greuw wanted to refuse but Asmodeus released friction of his power and this immediately caused him to shut up.

While Oscar was fighting with Kulligar, Asmodeus was stealing Kulligar's power. He gathered the stolen spirit mana and turned it into a spirit stone. Grabbing the stone he disappeared in the darkness of the night. Just as he was leaving he left a few words for Greuw.

"You have a week. I want him to reach enough power by then."

Greuw looked at the Oscar. He didn't want to depend on a human. They were spirits and still couldn't break the curse since ancient times. Yet the higher-ups of The Rebellion want to rely on a human. He swore in his core to kill the human and break the curse by himself.

Unknown to all of them another person was watching everything with an amused smile. This person was another spirit. She was wearing an old purple dress with white frills. In her hand, she had a purple fan covering almost all of her face. Her purple hair shined under the light of the moon. Her orange eyes glowed with unnatural light.

"So this is Asmodeus' plan. Maybe this could entertain me."

She chuckled in amusement. Asmodeus' and others' actions caught her interest. After thousands of years, she was going to enjoy chaos. With a slight smile, she disappeared into the shadows.