
Kawagurme is a dark and cursed place. Deep inside the Spirit Realm. It was a place where the wild and corrupted spirits were sealed. Anyone who heard this name shuddered with fear. No one ever dared to come close there.

A figure covered in an old and dirty robe was walking on the red desert. Whenever it passes some kind of plant they wither away. Whenever someone tries to attack it, they wither away and turn into dust. Its lone figure was enough to scare the bravest spirits. It gave them a feeling of death itself.

It moved forward on the crimson desert without glancing at the spirits following behind it. It didn't even care about them. They were just ants in its eyes. After an unknown time, it reached a gray and old pyramid. Half of the pyramid was buried deep in the blood-red sands. When the spirits following the figure saw the pyramid they immediately run away in fright. They didn't even look back. This pyramid, buried in blood-red sand was enough to scare even the strongest of the spirit race.

"The prison of the forgotten..."

Its voice was inorganic, different from almost all of the spirits. Spirits were after all living beings. Their bodies were made of mana but they are living beings. But this figure was different. It was like something artificial. Its very being gives fear to those who saw it. Still, it carried sharp two glowing purple eyes. They were full of life.

When it come to the front of the gate a loud cracking sound was heard. It was a massive gate made of some dark yellow rock. There were many figures drawn on the gate itself. Most of them were warnings. The gate opens slowly, dust and muffled air come out. A long corridor came into its view. It was illuminated with mana stones releasing light blue light. The figure step inside without minding the dust and muffled air. Its dirty brown robe vibrated with a powerful airwave.

"The security still works?"

It looked around. The said security of the pyramid was ineffective against it, so it was ignored. If anyone else were to ignore said security, they would immediately turn into ashes. The figure moved deeper into the pyramid. Everywhere the eye could see was gray and old. This place was withered away with the time. Everything was covered with dust and cracks.

The figure smiled behind its thick hood. Its unrecognizable face only twitch with the attempt to smile. It felt a deep familiarity with this place. An unwanted familiarity. After walking for a while stone stairs that descend to lower floors came in view.

"The cells..."

This pyramid was a prison long ago. Its lower floors were full of cells imprisons countless spirits. The target of the figure was the bottom floor. The where most dangerous spirits were kept. It moved slowly but surely.

Step by step, floor by floor, it descends. After a long time, it reached the bottom floor. The place where monsters are left to be forgotten by the rest of the universe. They were six cages placed all across the floor.

It went to the one with the golden chains. It was a cage made of some dark unknown metal, it was surrounded by golden chains glowing bright even in the darkness. An old man could be seen inside the cage. Bound by dark runes soaring around him. Runes were always changing shapes so no one could recognize them.

"Nox Kieran."

It was the inorganic voice of the figure. The old man who was just skin and bones raised his head with difficulty. He had dark eyes but they were hollow. No emotion or desire could be found in them.

Old man inspects the figure of the mysterious spirit. He was surprised when he realized that the one before him is not a simple spirit. It was something different. Almost artificial.

"I can give you your youth back."

This sole sentence captured the old man's attention fully. He thought that the figure was just another tormenter for his neverending nightmare. But something was different with this one.

"...what... do... you... mean ?"

He could barely talk. His throat was almost lost all of its use. He was like a human who was about to die because of old age.

"I want to have a deal with you. I will give you your youth back, you will give me The Blood of The Queen. I know that your grandfather used to have it."

Old man's eyes turned sharp upon hearing his grandfather. His previously hollow eyes gained a dangerous glint. A fire of hatred. Rage that threatens to burn his body from the inside.

"...who... are... you..."

"I have been called many names. But you might hear of me as The Convict."

"...I accept..."

The old man accepted without blinking. When he heard its name, deep desires buried in his heart awakened. He even pushed himself to talk a little bit more normally. His throat was torn apart.


The figure, now Convict raised its arm. It slipped past his robe and revealed before the old man's eyes. Its arm was entirely black but made of smoke. Its hand passed through the cage and touched the old man. The moment it touched him, the old man glowed purple.

Skin full of wrinkles gone with the purple glow. The torment and the suffering long ages caused him to disappear. His body quickly regains its former glory. Even the dark runes around him broke down.


Nox was shocked by the sudden change. But soon after he was grinning from ear to ear. His youth is back! His blood and mana boiled with vitality. He took a deep breath and released a powerful mana wave from his body. Cage shook violently, large cracks appeared on the golden chains.

Even the Convict was surprised. It knew that Nox was powerful but just after gaining his youth back he was about to break down the Cage of Nilhelm. With another wave cage and chains completely shattered to pieces.

"Finally, I am free!!"

Nox laughed madly. All of the years of torment, suffering, and humiliation, everything is fueling his rage now. He gave up on revenge, life, and everything. But now he had a chance to achieve it all.

"I did my part. Now it's your turn."

"I don't have it. He never let it go. It should be still with him. If I reach Human Realm, I can get it."

"Your grandfather. He died, one year ago by Human Realm. But for you, a hundred years have passed."

"...I see."

Hearing the death of his grandfather, Nox had mixed feelings. He never met with him, never knew the affection of parents or grandparents. While growing up he imagined what would it feel like to have him by his side. A dream will never come true.

"He has another grandson. He might have it."

"... I have a cousin?"

The mention of another grandson of his grandfather made him somehow uncomfortable. A relative, he thought. For a long time, he was alone. All alone in this cursed world. Without anyone to rely on or trust he fight without stopping. Now that he thought of relatives it made him uncomfortable.

"What's his name?"

"Oscar Williams. He is the First Mage accepted by The Council."

A flashy cousin, ha! I hope you will at least entertain me. Let's have a family meeting, Nox thought while grinning.

The Convict didn't know what will its current actions cause later on. Both realms will shiver with fear because of the Kieran and Willams cousins.