The Stranger From The Spirit Realm

Owain was working out in the forest. It was already afternoon and soon it will be completely dark. The reason why he was still here wasn't just working out. He just didn't want to stay in his house. The house of Underwood.

It was... suffocating for him. Staying inside that house. The expectations of his family were pressuring him. They want him to be perfect, above everyone else, better than everyone. According to them those who are perfect don't need anyone. From his early childhood, he never had a friend. It was a sad and lonely life.

Owain took a deep breath and sat down on the ground. His body was covered with sweat, his muscles were aching from the intense workout. This was his only way out of all this pressure. Working out. But after he started high school the pressure only grew worse. His family wanted him to be better than the geniuses of the Daxhaull. Aiken Rextert, Thomas Dax, Zara Haull, and the likes. They are simply undefeatable at academics or anything related to it.

"It is unfair. No matter how hard I work I just can't reach them."

This was the main difference between him and them. They had talents but he had not. Hard work alone wasn't enough to close the gap between them. Frankly, he was fine with it. He didn't like working hard for something he never will gain and even if he gains victory over them it won't really mean anything. After all, academics or hard work doesn't give you everything, instead, they barely give anything to you. Money rules this world. If you don't have the money you can't win against others who have money. But his family wasn't on the same page with him.

"You have to be able to gain your own money. We Underwoods are always gained everything with our hard work! You will work harder from now on, in order to win against them!"

His father was strict. His intentions weren't bad, not even close. But he was pushing them on his son continuously. Sometimes expectations of the family can be truly suffocating.

He get up and put the tools he used on his bag. Working out in the forest seems like a nice idea but if you don't bring the necessary tools it can't help you to grow in strength or anything. Everything has a limit.

After he gathered everything he prepared to leave. One last check on his equipment and tools, after that he was ready to leave. Even though he didn't like that house he has nowhere else to go. And they are his family.

"Another day has passed, haah... It is no different than yesterday or the day before it..."


While Owain was muttering to himself he heard a loud noise. It was like an explosion. But inside the forest why would there be an explosion, he thought. Then he remembered the forest fire about a month ago. Authorities couldn't find the reason how it started.

"What is happening?"

Suddenly, bright white light appeared inside the depths of the forest. And spread throughout the forest. Owain backstepped but fell on his butt. Fear was clutching his heart. Unkown was always scary for humanity. And now that he faced with one Owain couldn't help but feel desperate.

Light fade away but in its place were many humanoid figures. One of them was quite striking. He looked like a teenage boy. He had silver hair and a lean body. There was a brown robe on him. And next to him was a floating brown robe filled with the smoke-like creature. İn front of them many humanoid light figures.

"What the-"

The silver-haired boy created fireballs in his hands and shot them towards the light figures. This caused a battle start among the two groups. Owain could only watch as more fear and desperation takes root in his heart. The battle continued and he could only watch it. He wanted to run away but his body just didn't move. It was like he was paralyzed.

"You damn inferiors! Why are there are a lot of you in here!?"

The silver-haired boy shouts out loud. He was clearly annoyed by the constant dodges of lights. He was firing many fireballs but the lights keep dodging them. Meanwhile, the fireballs were exploding upon contact with anything. Flames quickly disappeared after little explosions.

The battle was coming closer to Owain every passing second. Drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He could feel death coming for him. He involuntarily shivered with fear. His heart was beating like drums.

"Shit! Where the heck this much spirit came from?!"

Abruptly a person appeared from the other side of the forest. Owain froze when he heard the voice of the newcomer. It was the voice of a classmate. Oscar Williams. Oscar quickly passed Owain and joined the battle.

Oscar created several water spears and shot them at the inferior spirits. They didn't have the chance to escape from his fast attack. Five of the ten died instantly. The remaining ones become alert but he fired three lightning bolts at them and killed all of the inferior spirits. The battle was over in an instant. Oscar himself easily overwhelmed inferior spirits by himself.

"It was quite the show. He killed all of them easily. I didn't know there were humans who could use magic." (The silver-haired boy)

"He is Oscar Williams. The First Mage... The Council's toy..." (The Smoke Creature)

"Oh! So it's him... He is strong." (The silver-haired boy)

"Mages are always troublesome opponents. You have to be cautious." (The Smoke Creature)

"Like you know any other mage. Whatever, I'm curious about him." (The silver-haired boy)

Oscar looked at the remaining two. He wasn't able to hear what the smoke creature said about Council. But the rest of the conversation was clear to him. He already activated his Spirit Eyes. He could see their mana levels, they are even more dangerous than the previous ones he faced against. He stood between them and Owain. He saw that Owain was watching the battle without moving. He was worried about him but the two people in front of him were more important. They could easily kill everyone in the city. Previous spells barely spent his mana. But even though he had most of his mana he wasn't confident enough to kill two of them before they could cause damage to their surroundings. So he did what he thought best. Buying time and hoping some kind of help arrives.

"I didn't know you guys were fighting against each other. Do you guys always fight each other? I saw that spirits who were beasts fighting against each other but you guys are humanoid. It is making me curious." (Oscar)

"Well, Spirit Realm is mostly chaotic. We fight each other quite often. After all everyone has their own will. They are all driven by their desires." (The silver-haired boy)

"I see. The name, spirit, made me thought a peaceful and wise race but I guess I was wrong. You guys look as chaotic as humans. Except magic, I can't really see any difference." (Oscar)

"You are right, you know. We aren't that different. Especially you and me." (The silver-haired boy)

"What do you mean?" (Oscar)

Oscar could feel something was wrong. He knows that it is very easy to see that he was trying to buy time. So he was prepared to other sides attempt to not give him more time. But nothing happened and one of them talk with him. Quite friendly at that. And the last sentence of that silver-haired boy caused an anxious feeling in his heart. He tried to prepare himself for what was to come but he could never prepare himself for it.

"My name is Nox Kieran. I am the grandson of the Hex Master. He is also known as Adrian Williams. So, that makes us cousins, Oscar."

Oscar's mind went blank with Nox's words. He wasn't expecting this.