
A few hours later

I was in my room sitting on my chair surfing the internet on my computer on the table when suddenly I heard a noise coming from my bed, I did not turn around since I knew she was starting to wake up.

"How long have I slept? "

"About four hours," I said after looking at the time.

"Four hours!" She repeated in shock,

"Hmm, hmm ..."

" She called ?" She whispered to herself before checking her phone. On her face, you could see confusion and disappointment. She must have thought that since there were no notifications about missed calls, "she" hadn't called, and it would have been better if she didn't.

By the way, "She" is her ex, who cheated on her and that not just once but each time the latter told her that she would not do it again, that she was sorry; and this idiot "without wanting to be mean" forgave her. She explained to me that she discovered that her girlfriend had cheated on her once again when she saw her in the middle of the act; after the situation gradually escaped her from where her injuries.

She then started to cry until she fell asleep.

'How exactly did she hurt herself?' I wondered at that moment.

"She called you," she lifted her head and looked at me

" What did you do? »She asked me looking me straight in the eyes, on her face you could see annoyance, I understood her reaction if someone you barely know answers your phone it would have bothered me a bit, especially if the person calling is your ex of a few hours.

" It is not my fault- "

"Not your fault? You didn't have to answer" she said as she stood up abruptly, she almost fell due to the pain, but I was able to catch up with her, our faces were very close. "Thank you" I helped her sit down.

"Hmm, you didn't let me finish my sentence," her gaze told me to continue and that's what I did, "I meant it wasn't my fault- ..." yes it's done on purpose it's called suspense, haha.

"Why did you stop? "

"Suspense? », I told her smiling, she also smiled 'VICTORY' I shouted in my head.

"... not my fault that you and I had the same ringtone."

She tilted her head, her expression just after, confirming that she had just understood.

"When it rang, I accepted the call without really paying attention to the phone next to me. "

She had a questioning look on her face, "Tell me, what did she want from me?" "

" In fact... "