
RAIS pov

" She seems nice. "

" She is nice. "

" She cares about you. "

" She- "

"Mom, stop, I got it and how do you know what kind of person she is?"

"Honey, it's all in the eyes, it showed by the way she looked at you and the way she treated you like you were something precious. Oh, you're blushing! "

"Okay, stop! "

"But, my darling," the mother said seriously, "I hope you don't play with this young girl's feelings." Cassandre sighed.

"I know it's only been a few hours since I parted ways with Julie, but ... Mom, I think the moment she started cheating on me, I lost all confidence in her. But I still stayed with her, and I forgave her, thinking that this is how relationships work sin -... Also, I thought I had feelings for her, but when I found out that she cheated on me again, it did nothing to me in reality. On the other hand, I had the impression that I was responsible in some way for this, I believed that it was once again my fault- "

"No that's not how relationships work, I'm happy that 'that was what you thought' and of course I'm guessing it was this young girl who helped you figure it all out. "

"Yes, this is the first time that I have felt something so strong for a person, and it scares me a little. "

" Why that? "

"Mum, don't you feel like I'm going too fast?" How come I already have feelings for her? It is not possible!" Cassandre covered her face with her right hand.

" Hey ! Hey ! Cassandre, calm down, you mustn't blame yourself like that. You said it yourself, you didn't feel anything for Julie anymore, relationships don't always have to start by knowing the person for a very long time. I believe my darling that you fell in love at first sight." The mother parked the car in their garage.

"Okay, we've made it home." She got out of the car and helped her daughter.


On entering the house, Cassandre and her mother heard sounds coming from the living room.

"It must be your father and your sister. "

It was indeed her father disguised as a princess like the girl next to him, one was a snow queen with a beard and the other a very cute Anna. He or she, well, They were singing Taylor Swift ... Where is the logic in all this?

"Oh, you are cute. "

" Hi, my darling! "

" Older sister!" After exchanging hugs, Cassandre told her family about her hectic day that brought her back to the family home.

"Well honey, now you have to send her a message as agreed."

Remarked the father

" Oh, that's right... "

+ Hey, it's Cassandre just to warn you that I arrived safely 😉 + "Sent"


2 hours later

"Cassandre the meal is ready, come and eat. "

The pain she felt in her knees had eased, but walking was still a bit more complicated. So she took her old crutches to be able to move.

"Cassandre put this phone down, please, on the table. "

"Sorry, dad," she said, putting her phone down, disappointed.

"My darling, don't worry, she will send you a message. Surely she must be busy there. "

"But mum, she was the one who reminded me to send her a message when I arrived, so she must have waited to receive it," Cassandre whimpered.

Cassandra's mother laughed lightly, "Eat your meal and stop worrying. You'll get your message, don't worry. Now eat." Said the mother, a smile on her lips, she had finally found her daughter with her eyes full of life. Looking at her husband, she understands that he was thinking the same thing. In just a few hours, their daughter finally had a smile on her face.


All turned to the origin of this noise. It came from Cassandra's phone. The latter received a message from Harmonie. Her face lights up with a dazzling smile. Her family, seeing her reaction, were also smiling.

"You can go, we'll take care of your plate."

" OK ! She took her crutches and went to her bedroom. She lay down on her bed, a smile on her lips, but her smile disappeared after remembering that Harmonie had taken 2 hours to finally answer her.

+ Hey, it's Cassandre just to warn you that I arrived safely 😉 + 18:15

+ Hi Cassandre, sorry to answer you late. In fact, after you left, my mom and siblings arrived. My mom noticed that my attention was on the phone, so she picked it up and told me to go help my brothers and sister with their vacation homework. I thought it was going to last a few minutes, big mistake on my part 😅. 2 HOURS TO TRY to make them understand 1 lesson EACH, 2 FU ***** of hours 😱😱😱. I would have understood if it had been something difficult for their age, but there... It was a disaster 😭 😭 😭. After that, mom told me to cook, but before that, she gave me back my phone, so here I am cooking and sorry again. Oh, by the way, how are you? Has the pain subsided? + 8:30 p.m.

+ I'm fine, the pain has subsided. And I forgive you 😜. Tell me, was it really a disaster for your brothers and your sister? And you can cook? 🤔 +

+ I manage, according to my family I cook well (it's not sure that this is true) moreover I cook very rarely (it's my mother most of the time). And for my siblings, they have a hard head, or maybe it's me who can't explain to them well? +

+... Nope, they're just tough-headed. + Cassandre laughed.

+ 😐 It must be hard to have you as a teacher +

+ Hey! I am a very good teacher ... when I am calm 😑 +

+?... Explain. +

+ I couldn't concentrate too much because of a certain person... +

+ Oh, so it's my fault! +

+ Hmm yeah +

+ I did what? +

+ Nothing, I just wanted to know if you messaged me or not. So I wasn't too focused on my role as a teacher +

+ Oh, you're cute 😍 +

+ Am I? I don't think so. +

+ It's also cute that you don't think you're cute +

+ Okayyy. You find everything cute anyway +

+ Not everything, only you and your actions + Reddened Cassandre.

+ Say you want my death? +

+ What! No why ?

+ This kind of attack should be avoided for the well-being of my heart. + Seeing Harmony's response, Cassandre couldn't help but giggle.

+ Oh good? +

+ 🤨 😑 +... + Hmm, can I call you Cassandre, please? +

+ Yes, you can call me Cassandre, that's my name. +

+ Idiot. Come on, please, I want to hear your voice. Can I? + Cassandre had such a big smile on her face that her facial muscles ached. Instead of answering her, she called her directly.

"Hey, gorgeous! "

" Gorgeous? Since when? "

"Since your birth since your mother is beautiful too. » Cassandre laughed lightly

"You know, I just realized I love hearing you laugh. "

" Say instead that you like everything about me already. "

"Hmm, not really. I wouldn't put it that way? Unfortunately, I don't know everything about you and I would like to know them. So I would say I like everything I already know about you. "

" Stop! "

"What? "

"Stop Flirting with me. "

"Am I flirting here? Is that so!"

"... If it's what you want. I'll stop, it's not sure if I get there or not, but why is that? "

"You want my death too!"

"Oh, that's not my intention. I will miss you too much. I miss you already there. "

"It's too cheesy. " ... "Hmm... I miss you too. "

This is how their next few weeks served, for each to get to know the other. Even the parents started to hang out.