
It's been exactly 2 weeks, due to my injuries and an overly worried mother hen, that I haven't been to school despite that I was up-to-date on my classes.

Tomorrow will be Wednesday and my mother finally agreed that I could go to school since classes end at noon. I already had my stuff ready.


I was in front of the middle school gate. And already late, sigh, 'this sucks'.

If I had been 5 or 10 minutes late, I wouldn't have minded. But damn it almost an hour and a half late seriously, my sister apparently thought it was a good idea to prank me today, so she decided to turn off my phone completely plus my mom had to go to work early.

'Well let's go', first I have to go to the administration to get my schedule and inform them about my arrival,

"Good morning," I said as I walked into the office.

"Good morning," the woman said as she raised her head.

"I'm here to pick up my schedule..."


I stood in front of my classroom door, took a deep breath, and knocked.

"Come in" I heard, 'Welcome to hell' I thought with a small sarcastic smile on my face.

When I entered the classroom, I saw my English teacher, Mrs. Bru, so almost everyone didn't like her, for my part I didn't hate her and didn't like her either.

I preferred to keep my feelings 'neutral' towards the teachers. It is not always the case. As I scanned the classroom, I saw Cassidy looking at me with a smile on her face and as I saw her I started to smile too.

She gently patted the vacant chair next to her, my smile widened, and I sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, I nodded as I pulled out my things, she nodded back, and we turned our heads in the direction of Mrs. Bru, I wasn't having any trouble keeping up with the teacher. What I didn't notice were the looks I was getting from the people at the back of the class.

The bell rang.

Cassidy and I had packed up our things like everyone else before the teacher could even tell us anything, the majority of the students had already left, she was known to give too much homework, hence the fact that the students left quickly. As I left the classroom, I felt my phone vibrate, I had just received a message.

"Cassandre?" Cassidy asked,

"Hmm, she asked if everything was going well, and I said 'so far yes'," she nodded, before I could turn off my phone and put it back in my pocket, it was snatched from my hand. It was Angel and company, that is Chloe a.k.a. my childhood friend, a blonde boy, idiot 1 and 2. Other than Angel and Chloe's names, I didn't know the other 3's, I could never remember.

"Oh, who is this Cassandre, asking if you're okay?" Angel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Can you give me my phone back, please?" I asked, looking her straight in the eye.

"Oh, you don't want your flirt to know who you are, that's it," she said with a sly smile on her face.

"And who do you think I am?"

"You're a whore, you're a cunt, you're an abomination, you're disgusting you dyke!" Did she spit her venom in my face, I put my hand in front of Cassidy to keep her from moving or answering her. I let out a sigh and nodded.

"Can you give me my phone back now?" She gave me a mocking smile and then did something with my phone, and I didn't know what she did. I tried to walk over to her, but the 2 idiots and the blonde guy blocked my way, 'This is starting to piss me off all over!'

"It's okay guys!" Said Angel, the idiots left me alone, "Here! You can keep flirting with that bitch!" 'So that's a NO!'

I put my hand on her neck making sure not to hurt her, "You can insult me, but she, you don't insult her, understand?" I whispered to her before releasing her, unfortunately, people were around us now and...

"Harmonie," said this voice so soft and tender behind me.

"Yes, Mr. Director," I said, turning to him with a sheepish smile,

"In my office!" He said angrily,

"Great!" I whispered.

I sighed as I walked out of the director's office, 'And another one of my excuses falls flat.'

"Hey H!"

"Why didn't you go straight to class, it's been ringing for a while now?"

"I was waiting for you!" She said, smiling, 'Weird'.

"Who's next?"

"SVT with Nelly, 2 hours." Oh, here's the real reason then!

"Cool, I missed my beautiful Nelly!" She looked at me with a shocked expression,

"Are you serious right now?" I nodded my head, "She's fucking boring that teacher!" I gave her a light tap on the head,

"Watch your mouth, and she's awesome, that teacher!" I told her with a smile on my face,

"Uh, I've had her for two months and I don't think so."

"You really are blind," I said, shaking my head.

"What's so great about her, tell me?" I looked at her with a big smile pasted on my face,

"You'll see..." she shook her head,

2 hours later

"Yay! Finally." I said as I walked out of the classroom last with Cassidy, "Bye ma'am!"

Cassidy was next to me and kept shaking her head and smiling.


Cassidy Pov

Honestly, hats off to her!

Now I understand why she liked the Science teacher so much.

"I have to go get my stuff, quick, from the locker," she told me, covering her mouth and then yawning.

"Okay, I'll wait for you," she nodded and left.

"Oh, but who's that, isn't that our very own little Cassidy!" Said a voice I knew all too well, every time I hear it the urge to slap her becomes irresistible. She hadn't learned her lesson during recess.

"Oh, Angel, what can I do for you, dear?" I said, forcing a smile on my face, unfortunately, she hadn't realized I was being sarcastic since-.

"Oh, guys, what did I tell you, our little Cassidy is our friend, isn't she?" There, it's official, she's lost her mind.

"Uh, since when-"

"Cassidy, sweetie, I need your help with something!" 'Bitch what, sweetie???' Okay, I want to throw up!'

"And why do you need my help?" I asked, doing my best to hide my disgust.

"Well, the band and I..." she pointed to her friends and herself, "...we were wondering who Harmonie was texting?" Bitch what.

"My sister why?" She looked at me confused, "Your sister? Why-"

"Her sister is my girlfriend. And I think you've already guessed that Angel." Harmonie said, she wasn't happy, that's for sure. Angel as well as the other 3 looked at her shocked.

"Wait, so the rumors about you being-"

"I don't know, you tell me." She turned to me, "Can we please go, I'm exhausted." I nodded and we headed for the exit.

"Just wait-"

"Bye Angel!" Harmonie shouted, waving at him without stopping to walk.


The next day

Everything finally went well for Harmonie and me, but it's indeed quite strange. It seems like the calm before the storm.

If I had known I was going to regret those few words, I would never have said them.

My sister also acted strangely, sometimes she came to me and asked me questions, you would have thought it was nothing, but when the questions she asked me, were related to the relationship between Harmonie and me, it was disturbing.

I had the impression that she started once again to lose confidence in her and I didn't know the reason for this change, she often stays for a long time on her phone staring at it with a troubled look.

I then asked her several times 'what's wrong', but she told me it was nothing, and sometimes I even tried to take the phone from her playfully, but I regret now that I didn't try to take it from her more seriously 'Ah, if only'...


The situation was the same as Thursday, and I am seriously starting to have a very bad feeling...

Today was the last day of school for Harmonie since she was suspended. The director preferred to let her finish this week before suspending her for two weeks.

I was lying on my bed when I heard a noise from my phone. I had just received a message from harmony.


+Hey C! Tell me is it me or is your sister ignoring me completely, what did I do?😟 😟 😟 +

+If you, yourself, don't know, how could I know 🤨 +

+You are her sister?

+That's not a reason +

+🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 +

+Okay, but I promise you nothing... +

I stood up and walked towards my sister's room. She was sitting on her bed, looking at her phone.

"Sis!" She gasped and glared at me.


"Your honey is asking why you're ignoring her." She looked at me menacingly,

"How is that your problem?" She spat in my face,

"Oh, calm down," I said, waving both hands at her to calm down,

"Get out of my room," she said, looking at her phone,


"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" She yelled at me if the look could kill someone, it's safe and certain I'd be dead,

"You really need some exercise on the bed. "I said as I hastily walked out of the room before the object she threw at me hit me.


+H, I think she needs your magic fingers... +

+Bitch, be serious 😑 😑 😑 +

+Nan, I'm not kidding, if you had seen the look on her face... I almost shit myself, bro, so much I was scared.

+What the hell did I do? I'm in the shit and I don't know what I did... +

+Yep, I'm with you on this one.+

+How exactly did it happen?+



I was planning to go see Cassandra and ask her why she's ignoring me for three days, but I got a message from Cassidy asking me to meet her at the college since apparently, she had lost something there, and she wanted me to help her find it, so I left my house in the afternoon and went towards my college but...