
"When did they pass out?"

"Cassandra, when the guns came out, she was always sensitive," Harmonie shrugged,

"Cassidy followed her right after and Corine the moment I pulled the trigger."

Chloe nodded her head...




"Tell me, should we wake them up or wait for them to wake up on their own?"

After some thought, Chloe says,

"Better to wait until they wake up !"

"Well, we'll have to carry them...the workouts will be useful again!"

"Speak for yourself, I gave up sports a long time ago..."

Harmonie looked Chloe up and down,


''You still look good, don't worry, that will do it!" said Harmonie smiling,

"Test Laur, weight-wise, it should do it for you..."

Both of them had their eyes fixed on the young girl, Corine had curly red hair, some freckles on her face, and glasses, the girls often used to tell her that she was cute, especially Chloe.

If Corine had her eyes open, her emerald eyes would have stood out the most, but since she liked to hide them under her bangs, no one in the class but them knew that.

Chloe took out her black-rimmed glasses from her, gave them to Harmonie, and then lifted Corine and adjusted her position in her arms without making any sudden movements.

Harmonie gave her Corine's glasses,

"Okay, I'm going!" whispered Chloe,


Harmonie went to Cassidy and lifted her without any problem,

"Let's take the elevator, I don't feel like working out either," whispered Harmonie,

They left the room and went to the elevator which was next to the stairs. There were 3 buttons, level -1, 0,1, it was spacious and with a mirror at the back. Harmonie pressed level 1, the doors closed, and the elevator moved, they quickly reached the top, and put each of the girls in a guest room.


''As much, I can say that they are not heavy, but we will not lie they are not light either. On the other hand, this woman, according to my observations and especially now that I am carrying her, she lost weight, too much...'' said Harmonie frowning slightly, Chloe was behind her, the girls' purses on her shoulders,

"Well, let's go," said Harmonie,

They arrived at the top, Chloe saw Harmonie heading down the other hallway leading to their rooms,

"Are you taking her to your room?"

''No, to Adelaide's.''

''Uh, why?"

"Because the others aren't decorated yet... And pass me her bag," Chloe gave to her, Cassandra's bag and went to the other girls,

Harmonie put Cassandra on the bed while putting the bag on the cushion next to the bed, she straightened up and then bent down after noticing that Cassandra's shirt was no longer covering her belly, she took a piece of the fabric and suddenly stopped, but she quickly came to her senses and fixed the outfit then took a blanket and covered her.

She left the room,

''Hey, H!"


''You handled yourself very well today,'' Chloe said, smiling,

''Thanks, you too!"

''Well, I'll let you go to sleep while I go see Adelaide,'' at these words, she started to -


Chloe turned to Harmonie, the latter opened her mouth as if to say something and then said,

"No, it's nothing," she whispered before telling Chloe,

"Just don't forget to tell Adelaide that I love her, on that note, I'll leave you,"


Chloe watched her enter her room before deciding to leave, she hadn't noticed her friend's abnormality.

Harmonie's room was dark, only a few lights could penetrate the room through the curtains, Harmonie was not on her bed, there were sounds of water coming from her bathroom.

Harmonie was cleaning her hands, then put water on her face, she then looked at her reflection on her face and remembered what had happened earlier, sometimes she felt like she was going crazy, she then looked at her eyes and found that those brown eyes were not like before, they looked lifeless she thought, but it was not the first time she noticed that and especially not the last time, She sighed and lowered her face, a drop of water fell on one of her two hands placed on the edge of the sink, she looked again at her mirror and understood that this so-called drop of water was a tear and as if a click was made in her head, they began to flow on her cheeks, she sat on the floor, her back on the wall and sobbed quietly,


Cassandra suddenly opened her eyes, not recognizing the bed on which she was lying, panic began to take over her. She had the impression that at any moment, she was going to suffocate,

''Haah hah, hah...'' In the room, one could only hear her shaky breathing, Cassandra thought that if she didn't regain her composure at any moment she would faint, she had forgotten that an hour earlier, she had come to Harmonie and Chloe's house for the first time, with the other girls.

In a panic, Cassandra got out of bed, narrowly avoiding tripping over the blanket. Suddenly, the lights came on and Cassandra froze, head down. She was on the lookout for the slightest noise that could tell her that she was not alone in the room.

Hearing no suspicious movement or noise, only her breathing, for a few minutes, she decided to raise her head. But since she was aware of her cowardice, she began to count,


She looked up, and her eyes widened, she was in a child's room, and she was alone. This was not necessarily a good thing since memories that she would have liked to be buried in the depths of her being, resurface,

tears formed in her eyes and threatened to escape, Cassandra took a deep breath and then tried to calm down as much as possible and analyze the situation.

The room had a theme of cats, the walls were light gray and the ceiling white. A crib, a cradle, a small bookcase, a night light, a black carpet with white cats on it under her feet, and the bed decorated the room. It gave the impression of being both minimalist and sophisticated.

One small detail caught Cassandra's attention, so she moved closer to the bookcase.

It was a picture frame. She took the frame and looked at the picture.

In the picture, she could see Harmonie and Chloe sitting and looking at Adelaide standing between them wearing the same thing, that is to say, denim overalls, a white t-shirt for Harmonie and a black one for Chloe, for Adelaide, it was a t-shirt with both, black on the right side and white on the other one with a pacifier clip hanging on the small pocket in front of it, curiously Harmonie and Chloe had the same one hanging on their small pocket in front. Adelaide also had a black shoe and the other white, Harmonie's were black and Chloe's were white, of course. They had taken the picture on a light grey background.

What struck Cassandra the most was the smile on the faces of the three, and she also could read the joy in their eyes.

When she heard the door to the room open, Cassandra quickly put the picture in its place and turned around,

''Ah, I had come to wake you up, but apparently, there's no need anymore'' said Chloe, ''The others are waiting for us downstairs, come I'll show you the way...''

Cassandra then understood where she was, remembered what happened, and nodded and followed Chloe, even before entering the living room, she could already hear her sister's voice.

Cassidy was sitting next to Corine and told her about the time she had accidentally attacked her father while he was an intruder...Corine laughed, and Cassandra shook her head.

Corine then noticed their presence and smiled at Cassandra,

"Well, I'm going to go look for Harmonie now," said Chloe as she left the living room and went up the stairs,

Meanwhile, Cassandra turned to the two girls and said,

"Cassidy, you clearly knew it was our mother and father, or you wouldn't have acted this way... You would have run away!" said Cassandra,

Corine laughed and Cassidy blushed in embarrassment, Cassandra then went to sit on the other couch to face the girls.


"Harmonie!" called Chloe as she opened the door, she knew that her friend was a very light sleeper especially when she took naps and the slightest movement or noise could wake her up.

Chloe's eyes landed on the bed, and she frowned, seeing light coming from the bathroom door, she knocked on the door... hearing no answer, she grabbed the handle, but it didn't move, which meant that the door was locked from the inside, a thought suddenly came to her head, panic invaded her immediately and she knocked harder on the door, calling for Harmonie.

Then a click was heard, and the door opened with a sudden movement,

"Stop, you're going to give me a fucking headache!" said Harmonie, frowning.

She had a towel firmly attached to her chest and by the steam on the mirror and the humidity in the bathroom, Chloe quickly understood that she had just taken a shower.

Harmonie came out of the bathroom, and went to her wardrobe,

"Why didn't you answer me when I called you?"

Harmonie took off her towel since he already had her underwear on,

"You know very well that I don't like to talk when I put on my cream after my shower," said Harmonie in a serious tone,

Chloe's eyes then fell on the obvious scars on Harmonie's body,

''Stop looking at me,'' Harmonie said as she put on her shirt,

"Why are you here?" she asked as she went to sit on the bed and finally put on her socks and slippers, when she got dressed it was never more than 5 minutes,

"The others are already awake, they are just waiting for you and me to explain everything to them,"

Harmonie nodded and said as she stood up, "Okay, let's go."

"By the way, H, you don't normally make your bed after your nap, why did you do it before you went to shower?"

''Frankly, I don't know myself,'' Harmonie said with a shrug, and Chloe brushed the matters aside.

What Chloe didn't know was that Harmonie had cried herself to sleep on the bathroom floor, it was only 10 minutes before Chloe's arrival that the alarm clock she had set caused her phone to vibrate relentlessly until it was turned off and at the first vibration Harmonie had already opened her eyes and decided to take a quick shower until Chloe arrived...

She didn't want to tell her that she hadn't even fallen asleep on her bed, despite her tough side, Chloe was soft inside and could worry very easily, so she didn't want to worry her.


Cassandra and the two girls were sitting on the longer part of the L-shaped couch, while Chloe and Harmonie were on the shorter part,

"Before we start with your questions, I'll explain what happened in a little more detail since I think you've had time to discuss it among yourselves, 'from the moment the guns were out'." Harmonie nodded at Cassandra,

'' 'Until I pulled the trigger'...'' She nodded this time at Corine,

''Isn't that right?''

They nodded their heads,

"Well, let's rewind things a bit...but first I'm going to get some water." Harmonie stood up but froze when she saw a woman wearing a black uniform walking towards them with a tray, on which there were four empty glasses and a glass of water.

"Oh! Thank you, Grace!"

"It's my pleasure, miss."

"Don't you start calling me that too," Harmonie said with a frown to the servant,

Then she turned around and asked the girl which drinks they wanted respectively, after saying their choice the maid went to look for the drinks and some snacks.

"Let's see..." began Harmonie, "As you noticed, we knew they were coming, but what we didn't know was that he was going to pull out his gun. In order to "satisfy" him, I had to react in the way I did, and you have to know that Chloe's gun was well loaded. But when I changed temples, I made a quick exchange of weapons, and to be sure that it was the one that was not loaded, we put a small red sticker barely visible if you are not close to the weapon. After that, I pulled the trigger, and he left since he was satisfied,'' Harmonie said rapidly, she drank the water then said while turning over to the three, ''Now to the questions...''

''Did you know they were going to do this?" asked Corine,

"No, let's say we know that it's better to prepare in advance... so it was total improvisation, we can say that our acting classes are finally being useful," said Chloe,

"I have a question myself: Why did you invite us if you know that we would be in danger?" asked Cassandra,

"You have to know one thing, the uncle of the blonde, he would never dare to kill anyone in front of his niece, maybe hurt you but never be violent in front of her. I asked him one day why, and he answered that he had principles, and being violent in front of his family, especially the last member, was not his thing, but if it ever happened, well, he would shoot himself on the spot.''

''Besides, he likes you...'' said Chloe laughing at the face Harmonie made, Harmonie ignored her then continued,

''And you were invited to attend the signing.''

'' What was the signing for?" said Cassidy,

"It was to finalize a three-year-old boring thing. You witnessed a divorce...if you can call it that.''

'' What do you mean?" asked Corine,

Harmonie started to tell them everything that had happened three years ago, avoiding some details.


"Ah, I almost forgot, why when I got out of bed, the light came on?"

"Adelaide is afraid of the dark, so we installed a motion detector in her room, normally we would set it so that only her night light comes on when she wakes up or simply leave the night light on all night, but since she sleeps with me, we forgot."

"By the way, where is Adelaide? I haven't seen her all day?" asked Corine

''Did you visit her at her nanny's?" asked Harmonie to Chloe, the latter nodded, Harmonie looked at the time and said,

"They should be back soon," she said.

They heard the doorbell ring,

"Ah, I think it's them..."

Corine and Cassidy got up abruptly and ran to greet the child.


''Why doesn't she want us to hold her?'' whined Cassidy, seeing Adelaide still in Harmonie's arms,

"Tsk, lucky she's like that. The last time she stayed an hour too long at her nanny's, she started crying, until she stopped when we arrived and started crying again because she was angry with us. So yeah, it's a good thing she's sticking around like that with Harmonie because we went over the agreed-upon time with her this time."

After that, they finally decided to go to dinner when it was ready.


''Aren't you sleepy?''

Cassandra raised her head and looked at Harmonie who was yawning,

"What did you say?" asked Cassandra,

"I asked if you weren't sleepy. It's already one o'clock in the morning. And the others are all sleeping by now."

Cassandra looked at her and could see her sleepiness,

''And you, why aren't you sleeping?''

''I was sleeping... but let's say I sometimes wake up thirsty... wait... I'll be back...''

3 minutes later

Harmonie came back to the living room, a glass of water in her hand,

"I forgot to tell you that for once, I'm happy to wake up in the middle of the night," Harmonie said with a smile,

The atmosphere was strangely calm, the only light came from the moon.

Harmonie watched Cassandra and a desire to possess her resurfaced again.

Every time she looked at her this feeling came over and over again, but she tried to control these impulses. She didn't want to lose control.

The first time she saw her since her return, she had to control herself as best she could, to avoid kissing her in the spot in front of everyone. She was hopeful in a way.

But Cassidy's arrival brought her back down to earth. It didn't matter who she was with as long as she still had the contract, Chloe's uncle was watching her every move, and wouldn't hesitate to hurt Cassandra.

And that's what she was afraid of, but now that the contract was broken, she didn't know what to do.

For her, the contract was what helped her to control herself, what gave her a clear head.

In spite of this, these three years spent far from Cassandra were for her unbearable. Without Chloe and the little one, she would surely have lost her mind.

Harmonie lost in her thoughts, did not notice that Cassandra was also watching her, she knew perfectly the look that Harmonie was giving her, she was aware of her possessiveness, and seeing this look again made her strangely happy.

Harmonie then noticed the small smile Cassandra had on her face, and as if something had clicked, she drank her water, put the glass on the coffee table, and went towards Cassandra, tend her hand and without much delay, Cassandra took her hand.

They walked out of the living room and didn't take the stairs or the elevator, they just went straight ahead, along the hallway.


Harmonie locked the door, while Cassandra looked at the room, but Harmonie didn't let her have time to contemplate, she took her hand.

Then she went to the desk, and put the key on it, then went to a painting hung on the wall, put her hand in the middle of the painting, and with a click, a door opened in the middle of the wall.

Cassandra saw the bed and went to sit on it, it didn't shock her that there was a secret room.

On her side, Harmonie during the whole journey had somehow cleared her thoughts, she came closer to Cassandra and looked at her before taking a deep breath and opening her mouth,

"I want you so much, you don't even know how much. I just want to fuck you right now without thinking about anything...but before I do that, I'd like to ask for your consent,'' Harmonie said as she looked at Cassandra, the intensity that came from her eyes had oddly managed to turn Cassandra on.

"I want you, so, yes, I agree,''

A smile formed on Harmonie's face, a smile showing her excitement, she then leaned towards Cassandra...

#End of the flashback#

That day, she only thought with her pussy, thought Harmonie, she then shook her head slightly, but felt hands on her cheeks blocking her movement, as she looked up all she saw was juicy full kissable lips, and before she could react, she felt those lips against hers. A shy tongue grazed her lower lip, and her mouth automatically opened, allowing that tongue and its owner to explore and then attack her own tongue.

Harmonie felt her tongue being sucked before feeling a slight pain on her lower lip, Cassandra had just bitten her,

"I told you to stop biting me..." said Harmonie as she touched the tip of her bitten lip, with her middle finger, and saw, a bit of blood on her fingertip,

"Great!" she sighed and said,

"You know we're still on school grounds, right? Stop acting like a beast..."

Cassandra began to laugh,

''That's the pot calling the kettle black...''

Harmonie glared at her, and Cassandra only smiled, and she moved closer to Harmonie,

"You look like a beast in heat..." Harmonie said softly,

"Only for you, sweetheart," she whispered, before licking the small wound on her lip, she then moved closer to her right ear and said,

''I'll see you tonight,'' Harmonie knew it wasn't a question but rather a statement, and nodded,

"If you want. On the other hand, you don't seem to be in your best condition, is it your nightmares again?"

"Hm... They've got worse, and I still don't know why. The only time I don't have those dreams is when I'm sleeping with you, and that's weird."

"I can imagine with the fatigue after you know what, you don't really have the energy to dream anymore," said Harmonie with a mocking smile,

"Stop," Cassandra said, hitting ing her on the shoulder,

"Violence is bad, woman."

"I need you to be serious, Harmonie."

"I am. The problem is you still won't tell me what's bothering you..."

Cassandra lowered her head, and Harmonie took her hand,

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready. Just know that when you are ready to tell me, I'll be there...for you."

Cassandra nodded,

"I'll come tonight, though, I'd have to leave sooner than expected," said Harmonie, trying to change the topic of the conversation,


''By the way, your outfit looks great on you,"

''Thanks, love."

"You're welcome. Let's go now, the others are probably waiting for us.''

Harmonie went towards her, put her hand on Cassandra's bottom, caressed, and patted her buttocks, before stopping the moment they came out of the room, which didn't please Cassandra, but she knew it wasn't the right place for that.

Since that night, when they took the plunge once again, they have not stopped seeing each other without anyone in the group knowing.

But there is only one thing they didn't dare to do when they met at those moments, and that is to talk about their doubts and fears, they feel that everything was settled in a way, not realizing that they were only expressing their yearnings, forgetting themselves completely in the lust.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know is that the choice they made to keep silent, will lead to an argument that will either completely separate them or will weld them even more, but no matter what choice they will make at that moment, they will suffer a lot...

And the arrival of this shadow would ensure that they suffer even more...


''Isn't the human species fascinating...it only takes one thing to happen for a person to go completely crazy. And you, my child, you impress me even more, ...but how long will you last before you go completely crazy...hahaha.''