
Her eyes opened slowly, first trying to get used to the brightness, before looking around. She was in a small white room on a single bed. There wasn't much in the room.

She tried to sit up, but her body was so sore and burning that it took her more than ten minutes to sit up. Just after her back hit the headboard. She turned her head to the side and noticed a small remote control on the bedside table. She reached for it, then suddenly stopped when she realized that there was a bandage on her hand. Then she accepted the situation and finally took the remote control.

Her face then showed spite, after realizing that the remote control could have helped to straighten the patient. It controlled the bed. She was annoyed.

She sighed and then reached for the small mirror on the table, she took it and looked at herself, she had several bandages on her face, on her nose, her right eyebrow, her right cheek, and she also had a busted lower lip.

She then looked at her grey-green eyes and found that they looked kind of gloomy. They had lost their bright color.

She sighed and lay down again with great difficulty once more. She closed her eyes.

A few minutes later, she heard the door open.

She opened her eyes and looked at the nurse, who had with her a tray with a bowl with probably some kind of soup in it and a small container with pills inside.

A pitcher of water was already on the small table.

The nurse looked up from the tray, and realized that Chloe was already awake,

"Ah, you're finally awake. Well, I just brought you some food and medicine for the pain and fever. And some vitamins."

She put the tray on the small table and made sure the tray wouldn't fall off.

And went to the other side of the room, there was a kind of whiteboard with wheels on the wall. The nurse pushed the board towards Chloe and lowered a part of the furniture so that it formed a kind of table.

She then took the tray of food and placed it on the board, along with a glass of water.

"The doctor will come to check on you afterward and let you out," the nurse said as she straightened Chloe's bed with the remote.

Chloe nodded, seeing that the nurse was about to leave, Chloe called out to her,

"Daya!" Nurse Daya turned around with a surprised expression on her face.

"Thank you."

The nurse smiled and then walked out of the room.

Of course, she knew where she was, from the moment those eyes allowed her to see. She knew she was in the organization's infirmary, which meant she was home. She took the cutlery out of its packaging and removed the lid from the bowl,

'Bingo' she thought, it was of course a soup, it did not give too much desire to eat, but Chloe was unfortunately hungry. She took the spoon, dipped it in the soup, and directed what was on the spoon to her mouth. She opened her mouth in apprehension and put the spoon in while unconsciously closing her eyes.

Her eyes suddenly opened, and she took another bite and another.

"It's so good!" she said with her mouth full, she had quickly finished everything.

She then swallowed her medicine and vitamins and drank some water. When she had finished, the door to the room opened again.

"Hi, Tyler," she said to the doctor,

"Hi, Chloe." he walked over to her, pulled out the bed table,

"I see you ate everything."

"Hm... it was too good. You will give me the name of the person who cooked this. I want the recipe."

"Ah? You know the name of the person who made it, though," he said with a smile, took a small lamp and began to look into Chloe's eyes, then took his stethoscope, put the ear tips on her ears, and positioned the bell behind, on Chloe's back. As she was used to the procedure, she took deep breaths in and out as Tyler moved the stethoscope's bell over different parts of her back.

"Oh really...who?"

Tyler raised an eyebrow, and an image of a person came into Chloe's head, her eyes widened, and her mouth opened in shock.

Tyler smirked since he knew Chloe now knew who it was.

"Don't look so shocked."

"It's obvious you don't know her. If you ask her to cook you something, she brushes you off. It's only when she makes a few things and which is a little too much for her, that's when she gives you away, and even then she only makes sandwiches."

"You don't like her sandwiches?"

"Who told you that? Her sandwiches are too good, and she doesn't always make the same thing. There's always a little difference."

"And you never thought that the fact that she makes a lot of them is also for you."

"Hm... I know, but sometimes I doubt it because when I tell her to cook, she really doesn't want to like I said. Come to think of it, how did you convince her to cook the soup."

"Oh, I was told that she just told the cooks not to do anything and that she was going to cook. I'd be lying to you if I told you we weren't apprehensive about her cooking. But it turned out that she cooks well. Well, I'm done, the pain should be gone by now, thanks to the painkillers, you can leave if you want, and don't forget to go see Daya so that she can give you the prescription for the medicine.

"We really went all out. By the way, how is Valerie."

"She's fine, but she's a little more banged up than you..." Chloe lowered her head,

"I should go apologize."


"Harmonie," Chloe said as she saw her friend lost in her thoughts, seeing her not react, she called out to her again but this time putting her hand on her shoulder to shake her. This surprised Harmonie, who all of a sudden made an arm lock to Chloe,

"Ow, ow, ow..." said Chloe, "H, it's me."

"Chloe? Oh shit, sorry..." said Harmonie as she lowered her head.

" I, who thought you had finally managed to control your reaction when you were startled..." said Chloe, gently massaging her shoulders.

"I thought so too." sighed Harmonie,

Chloe went to sit on the couch next to Harmonie, Harmonie for her part ignored her, but Chloe didn't mind.



"I'm sorry."

Harmonie looked at Chloe, who looked back, then looked away without saying anything.


"Val told me what happened." interrupted Harmonie, Chloe continued to watch her, waiting for what she was going to say.

"She's the one who messed with you, so there's no need to apologize to me. So don't worry."

Harmonie turned her body towards Chloe,

"Anyway, are you okay?"

Chloe lowered her head and then said,

"As you can see, not so much, but I'll be fine. But mostly I'm sorry I acted badly when you were just trying to keep us apart. I was blinded by anger."

Harmonie nodded,

"Okay." Chloe looked up and saw that her friend was lost in thought again.

"You look concerned..." she said softly,

"Mhm, you could say that. I'm just wondering how I'm going to do the English teacher's assignment for Monday."

"What assignment - Oh... what was the subject again."

"'What was the most impactful thing in your life?'"

"That's a tough one."

"I have my idea. You, on the other hand, I wish you luck." Harmonie stood up, "And you should talk with Val."

"What does that mean, that you wish me good luck, and what's your idea? By the way, why did you cook?"

Harmonie only raised her hand, making the sign of peace, and left without looking back.


The work for Harmonie's school did not worry her so much, it was rather a kind of intuition or rather an idea that seemed far-fetched but that she had in mind for a while. She could not unfortunately speak about it to Chloe for the moment as long as she had not confirmed anything.

She took her phone out of her pocket and looked again at Hazel's message.

+It's all set.+

Then she sent her a message,

+Where are you?+

+I'll be there soon.+


She put the phone back in the pocket of her sweater.

She looked up and started to walk up the stairs.

30 minutes later

She heard a knock on the door but didn't turn her head away from her paper.

"Come in."

She heard the door open.

As Hazel entered, she saw Harmonie sitting in front of her desk, pen in, handwriting something on a sheet of paper.

"What are you doing?"

"An assignment."

Hazel moved closer to her and looked at the paper over Harmonie's shoulders.

"Gonna have to improve your handwriting, sweetheart if it's an assignment due. I can't even read you."

"It's only a draft, I'll apply myself when I re-write."

Hazel smiled.

Harmonie stopped writing, turned her head, and looked at Hazel. Hazel looked back at her, a big smile forming on her face.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

Harmonie turned her head away and shook it,

"Nothing," she said as she took the pen back into her hand and began to write again. Hazel smiled and leaned over to Harmonie, she kissed her on her cheek, and Harmonie right after lowered her head, embarrassed.

Seeing her embarrassment, Hazel laughed and stopped bothering her, straightened up, and went to lie down on her bed, smile still on her face.

30 minutes later

Having finally finished organizing her ideas, Harmonie wrote them down on a new sheet of paper, paying close attention to her handwriting. Harmonie closed the double sheet and put it in her folder.

She then moved her chair back and stood up, putting the chair back in its place.

She went to her bed and sat down on the edge. Hazel opened her eyes and looked at Harmonie.

"I think I know who it is."

Hazel suddenly stopped, wondering who she was talking about, just then her eyes widened since she had just realized.

" Seriously?" said Hazel as she straightened up, Harmonie nodded her head,

"I'm serious."

"Wow, that's great!" said Hazel happily as she got off the bed and faced Harmonie.

"However, we still need to check this out." She said looking at Hazel who was lost in thought.

"Of course. But wow, after all this time, we finally have a lead." She turned back to Harmonie,

"By the way, how did you know?"

"Let's just say the obvious was in front of me for a while. Anyway, we have to check it out first."

"And who do you think it is?"

Harmonie looked her straight in the eye, opened her mouth, and moved her lips.

Hazel's eyes widened at what she said, and then she frowned.

"Shit..." she whispered, Harmonie only smiled and said nothing, but her smile was mocking.

She wasn't laughing at Hazel, but rather at herself.


2 days later


"Alright, I'm going to go over to each table and pick up the work that I asked you to do this weekend."

All the students took their work out of the place where they put it. And put them on the table. Hearing the arrival of their English teacher.

Chloe who was sitting in front of Harmonie at the same table as Cassidy was looking for her paper while Cassidy was watching her. In the middle of them was an open book, unlike all the other tables where everyone had their own book.

"Can't you find it?"

"Yes...damn, where did I put it?" she said as she searched through all of her things.

"You didn't leave it at home, did you?"

"No, I put it in my English book-" her eyes widened, "Book I forgot to bring back...damn!"

"Harmonie!" the English teacher said as she came to Harmonie and Corine's table. Harmonie turned her head away from the window and looked at her teacher.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Your work?"

"I put it on top of Corine's." The teacher lowered her head and looked at the pile of paper and saw Harmonie's name written on the first double sheet, she looked at the one at the bottom and saw Corine's. She then nodded and said,

" Good," she went to the front row, where the last of the sheets she had to pick up would be.

Cassidy handed in her paper, while Chloe whispered,

"If only I had my book." A thought crossed her mind and she turned back to Harmonie and asked,

"H, you didn't by any chance take my English book when you left the house."

When she forgot her stuff most of the time, Harmonie had it with her afterward and gave it to her.

"Your book? Ah... yes, that's right. I forgot," she reached into her bag and pulled out the book in question, "Here!"

Chloe quickly flipped through her book in panic. The teacher looked at her and said,


"Please wait, ma'am!"

Chloe turned to Harmonie and said,

"H, it doesn't have my paper in it," she said almost in distress. In the group, Chloe was the one who was the most studious. So she kind of hated failing.

"Ah... the teacher has it." The teacher also turned back to Harmonie, "It's under Corine's sheet, ma'am." said Harmonie who turned back to the window once more and looked at the sky. She was not thinking about anything. It just calmed her in a way.

Meanwhile, the teacher on her side looked at the pile of paper and as Harmonie had said, Chloe's paper was inside.

"H, it would have been nice of you to tell me in advance."

Harmonie turned and said,

"Oh, really?" The teacher frowned slightly and said,


"Okay, I apologize then."

The teacher nodded and went to her desk. The rest of the class went without a hitch.


It was the end of class, and Harmonie had just received a message from Hazel that by the end of the week they would have the result she was waiting for.