
Harmonie opened her eyes again, feeling the frustration building up inside of her, but she controlled herself and she realized they had arrived.

"Okay, we've arrived. Let's go down one by one without pushing each other. Got it!" said one of the instructors in a very stern tone.

"Yes, sir!"


They were at a highway rest area. Folding tables and chairs were pulled out of the bus into an open space, and some began to eat. Others were still stretching.

In any case, most of them were talking to each other.

Chloe moved away from her group and called Sylvia. On the third ring, Sylvia answered.

"Hey!" Chloe said quietly.

"Hi, sweetheart. How are you?" said Sylvia's calm voice. Chloe often had the impression that Sylvia could enchant her with her voice alone.

"I'm fine..." Then she remained silent, not knowing how to continue the conversation.


"I-" they said at the same time, then silence fell between them again.

"You first," Sylvia finally said, Chloe said nothing.

When Sylvia realized that she probably wouldn't say anything, she decided to go for it, but then Chloe finally spoke.

"I wanted to tell you that Harmonie and I have an important trip, and we left today. We're currently at a highway rest stop."

"Hm..." Chloe heard through the phone.

"One of them already told you, didn't they?" asked Chloe, referring to Corine and Cassidy, since her intuition told her that Sylvia already knew, especially by listening to her answer.

"No, it was Cassandra who told me about them," Sylvia said softly, Chloe felt a slight shiver down her back and smiled, 'Her voice always has an effect on me...'

She then put on a more serious expression, "I'm sorry..." Not giving Sylvia time to ask why she was sorry, Chloe continued, "After what happened, I realized that you were probably ignoring me because the next morning after all that had happened, I didn't even see you when I woke up, at first I thought maybe you had just gone to work instead, so I went home to get ready and go to school. But when I finally saw you, you didn't even acknowledge me, not even a smile, not even a look. So I thought maybe you regretted what happened and just ignored me, so now I don't know anymore when I call you, and you address me with sweet words, I really don't know what situation we are in."

After Chloe finished, she heard Sylvia sigh, and it was like a knife in her heart as she thought that what she had just said was the case. She wanted Sylvia to tell her otherwise, but apparently, she was right.

Sylvia's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, "No, you're wrong."

"I indeed needed some time alone to sort of digest everything that had just happened - it wasn't my intention to ignore you, and I'm sorry if you thought it was. I just wanted to sort of confirm what I was getting into with you, and if you haven't figured it out yet, it's more of a positive answer I'm giving you," Sylvia said with a light laugh. Chloe felt her heart pounding with excitement, she felt like jumping up and down.

The big smile on her face showed her excitement. Harmonie noticed this from a distance and smiled back slightly, telling herself that her problems could wait as she wanted to talk to Chloe about something that had been bothering her earlier.

"You've made me happy with this good news and I promise I'll do my best to make you happy too, I thank you for giving me the chance to be by your side," Chloe's excited voice said, making Sylvia laugh.

Chloe, who had been paying attention to Sylvia's laughter because she found it melodious, heard a voice from the back congratulating them.

"Aren't you home?" she asked Sylvia.

"No, I'm at Cassandra's, and let's just say my phone is on speaker, and she just came back into the living room after putting Adelaide to bed."

"Ah, okay."

Then Chloe remembered something and said, "Tell her to come closer, I need to tell her something."

Then she heard Sylvia tell Cassandra to come over, close to her.

"Hi, Chloe." Chloe heard Cassandra's voice and smiled. Because like Sylvia's, Cassandra's voice was very soft to listen to, very calm. And these are people who tend to put you at ease quickly.

'And it's weird because it fills our fear of them even more when they're upset...'

"Hi, Cassandra."

"Actually, I've been talking to H, and she's decided to talk to you about what's bothering her when we get back next week. And you're probably wondering why I'm telling you this. Well, dear, you're going to have to work on your communication too. Don't think that she doesn't know that things are going wrong on your end, and yes, we tell each other almost everything."

The line was silent for a few minutes before Chloe heard Cassandra humming and replied quietly, "Okay..."

"And that's not all Cassandra. I don't think you realized..." Chloe remained silent, waiting for the desired answer from Cassandra.

"What are you talking about?"

"Cassandra, you didn't realize your control over Harmonie, the enormity of it. I know the word control can sound negative, but that's not the case here."

Chloe sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, "What I mean is, if you have questions and want answers, ask her. Don't expect her to tell you directly, because that's something she's always had trouble with, expressing her feelings, ever since she was a little girl. And if the subject is really sensitive, and she needs time, she'll tell you."

"The reason I'm telling you all this is that even if she finally decides to tell you what's wrong, don't give her time to run away from that decision. Ask her for answers and give her time to answer you, I'm not asking you to rush her, just to ask questions because you'll get your answers that I'm sure of."

"Okay, thank you, Chloe."

"Wife, we need to go to couples therapy to improve communication between us," Chloe said suddenly.

Cassandra turned back to Sylvia who had also raised her eyebrows, Sylvia reached out and picked up the phone.

"Who told you to call me like that?"

Chloé smiled again at her answer, "I did, and I don't want to be in the same boat as the other two who can't even communicate and keep everything bottled up inside. At least I won't be around when it all blows up if they keep repressing everything."

Cassandra rolled her eyes and walked away, but Sylvia didn't miss her little smile before she left and smiled back.

"Wifey, make the appointment already, we can start next week."

"Appointment for what?"

Chloe noticed that she hadn't said anything about how she had called her, and that made her happy.

"Bah, for our couple's therapy."

"You're in high school, Chloe."


"I work there too."

"Okay, I'll quit school."

"No, I don't want you to do that," Sylvia said quickly.

"If you care about my education, I've already told you that I've already graduated..."

"I know," Sylvia interrupted, "but I also know that you were homeschooled."

"Well, partially, since we were in a kind of academy," Chloe said, "well, it's complicated to explain."

"Okay, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to see you experience high school life with your friends," Sylvia replied.

"Okay, but I don't understand what this has to do with our couple's therapy."

"It's the word 'couple'."

"So we're not a couple," Chloe said, but Sylvia didn't shrug off her disappointment.

"I didn't say we weren't."

"Wait, then I don't understand what we are. Because I'm telling you plain and simple, I don't want to be in a no-name relationship, woman."

Chloe heard Sylvia laugh, "I'm waiting for you to ask."

"You can do it yourself, you know," Chloe said, looking outraged, but the smile in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

"I'm a lady," Sylvia said simply.

"I'm a lady too!" exclaimed Chloe, trying to stop herself from laughing.

"No, you're not. You're friends with the pretty boy, so..." she stammered out the last syllable.

"So what? Just because I'm friends with Harmonie and she, if you don't know her, with her style and behavior, you'd think she's a young man, I'm the one who has to ask if you'll be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, that's right," says Sylvia.

"Wow, bravo, discrimination. If Harmonie was like the stereotype wanted to look like a girl, would you have made the request?"


"Ah?" exclaimed Chloe, no longer understanding but deciding to go for it, "Well, would you be my girlfriend?"

"No," Sylvia said mockingly.

"Wife, you are just being petty, you know that, right?"

"I know."

"Okay, it's up to you. On the other hand, I really think that therapy will be good for us because I confess that I too have my moments when communication is like a virus. Oh... I have to leave you, I have to get something to eat before they take all my food."

"Okay, darling."

"Bye, wifey."


"Okay, that's it," Cassandra said and closed the hood.

She got into the driver's seat, took a quick look at Adélaïde, who was still sleeping, then started the car.

"It's a shame your family is having a barbecue on the day they were supposed to leave," Sylvia said.

"It's a last-minute thing, and it's indeed a shame since Chloé would have liked to meet my family and Harmonie to see them again." Sylvia nodded in understanding.

"By the way, you haven't told me what happened to your family."

"It's always the same story. They're trying to set me up with the son of someone they know."

"They know you're not interested?"

"Of course they do. They know, but I swear they're so stubborn. I feel like they're almost retaliating against me for leaving the family business."

Cassandra smiles slightly, "Sometimes I forget you're a lawyer."

"Was. I told you I wanted to be a florist..."

"And your parents don't accept that at all."

Sylvia shook her head, "No. They won't stop, wanting me to marry someone as if that were my only purpose in life."

"Does Chloe know that?"

"No, she doesn't. It hasn't been long since we met, and I haven't really had time to think about it, but I will tell her."

"Hm... that's a good start."

"Come to think of it, I forgot to make the appointment for couples therapy..." she says quietly, turning on her phone.

"I thought you didn't want to?"

"I know what I said, but in a way she's right. Communication is important in a couple. And I think it'll help us a lot because we didn't exactly get off on the right foot."

Cassandra said nothing, staring straight ahead as if lost in thought.

After making the appointment, Sylvia plugged her phone into the car and put on some soft music, taking care not to disturb the little sleeping girl.

"And you know Chloe's right," Sylvia began, looking at Cassandra.

"About what?"

"That you and Harmonie need to improve your communication. I'd also recommend couples therapy."

"Cassandra, it's obvious that you love each other, but if you go on like this, without saying anything to each other, the result will be disastrous for your couple, or whatever you call your current relationship."

Sylvia didn't get a response from Cassandra, but she didn't mind, knowing that Cassandra had registered her words.

She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, lost in thought, remembering the night everything had changed in her relationship with Chloé. She didn't regret it, despite the situation she was in. But she didn't know that she would have to make decisions about certain things.

All she knew was that she missed Chloe's presence right now. Terribly.

But she had to wait. Hopefully, the calls would be enough to calm her longing a little.


They had finally arrived at Cassandra's parents' house; it hadn't been a very long drive for them.

Cassandra got out of the car and opened the trunk. She took out the stroller and unfolded it, then put Adélaïde's diaper bag under the stroller and her purse on her shoulders.

Sylvia took Adélaïde from her seat and placed her in the stroller. Then she went to get her backpack.

Cassandra locked her car and pushed the stroller straight ahead.

They were in the parking lot reserved for residents. They pulled out of the lot and saw some houses.

"She's still sleeping..." remarked Sylvia, looking at Adelaide sleeping peacefully in her stroller.

Cassandra nodded, "She didn't want to be separated from Harmonie. And she made it known. Harmonie stayed behind to calm her down as best she could."

"It must have been hard for her," Sylvia said as she looked straight ahead, she saw children playing in a park.

Cassandra nodded, "Normally Harmonie would have taken them with her. But she thought it's best to leave her with me."

"It's not easy to take care of a child, you know?"

"Of course I know, but that doesn't alter the fact that I'm glad she left the little one with me. She's my little miracle." Sylvia looked at Cassandra and saw that she was smiling, and she smiled back.

They finally arrived in front of a modern two-story house.

"Ah, I could have parked in front of the house," Cassandra said as Sylvia nodded.

"Usually there's no space for this kind of occasion. I'm sure we arrived a little early to help with the preparations," Cassandra said softly.

"It's best if you park here," Sylvia said. Cassandra nodded.

"Wait, look after the little one for a moment."


After parking, Cassandra got out of the car and walked briskly toward Sylvia. Adelaide was crying in Sylvia's arms.

When she saw Cassandra, she held out her arms and cried, "Mama..."

Cassandra took her in her arms, sad to see her daughter crying like that.

When Adélaïde's crying stopped. Sylvia gave her, her pacifier clipped to her blankie while Cassandra stroked her back.

"She woke up and didn't see you and started crying," Sylvia said quietly, stroking Adélaïde's slightly wet cheek.

The door of the house in front of them opened and they saw Cassidy.

"I thought I heard a car pull up to our house," she said with a smile as she approached the two young women.

"Hi, how are you?" Before she could get an answer, her attention was drawn to Adelaide, who, upon hearing her voice, straightened up to look at her.

"You're crying, baby," Cassidy said as she approached and held out her arms to take her in, noticing Adelaide's hesitation but with Cassandra's encouragement. Adelaide finally agreed to be held in Cassidy's arms.

"Hi, baby," Cassidy said softly, not wanting to upset the child anymore.

"Hi," Adelaide's voice was soft, a little muffled as she nuzzled her neck.

Cassidy's attention turned back to her sister and Sylvia, not forgetting to continue stroking and soothing the little one.

"You didn't respond to my greeting," Cassidy said as Cassandra rolled her eyes.

"Yes, we did, but you were more concerned with the little one," Sylvia replied with a smile.

"It's not my fault, she's my niece. I can't leave my niece so sad. Besides, she's very cute," Cassidy said smiling, bringing a smile to the other two.

"Well, let's go," she said with a nod.

"Who's here already?" asked Cassandra.

"Mum and Dad are here. After we finished shopping Auntie Tiana and her husband Liam arrived."

"Ah, okay."

Cassidy opened the door and handed the baby to Cassandra. Then she covered Adelaide's ears and shouted, "WE'RE BACK!"