All-Elemental Bloodlines

"Ice Arrow Technique is a rare long-range attack technique among water-elemental skills."

"Its attack range is even comparable to fire-elemental bloodlines that specialize in long-range attacks. If you combine it with your 'Group Kill' skill, you will have even more outstanding combat strength."

"But, don't forget! You are currently the weakest water-elemental bloodline body!"

Demon dragon poured cold water over Feng Zhi's head. Her eyes flashed slightly, and her fingers that were holding the skill book curled up as she gritted her teeth.

"You have to know that the water bloodline can only provide you with 27 skill points. At most, you can cultivate three skills!"

"Only by knowing when to give and when to take, can you go far. Whether you want to learn the Ice Arrow Technique or not, think carefully..."

The demon dragon's reminder made Feng Zhi instantly sober up.