The Land of Winter and Summer

In a secluded place, Feng Zhi's eyes narrowed. She raised her hand and transformed into two icicles, shooting straight at Chu Yao.

While he was dodging, she rushed forward and pulled out a sharp blade without hesitation. She pressed it against his neck and asked.

"What exactly is your identity?"

Feng Zhi recalled the teacher's respectful and fearful attitude toward him in the office, and her suspicion grew.

Chu Yao was too mysterious to her. Sometimes, being mysterious meant danger.

"Little girl, is this how you treat your savior?" Chu Yao chuckled.


Feng Zhi's face heated up for a moment, but in the end, she let go of his hand.

She had originally planned to take advantage of Chu Yao's panic to trick him into revealing his true identity, but now it seemed that his shrewdness was far deeper than she had imagined.

Forget it, at least he was really helping her now.