This Show Can't Continue

In the blink of an eye, it was the day for the parents of both parties to meet at a special-class restaurant.

When Xu Lan arrived with Father Xu and the others, the Yan Family had just arrived.

That day, because she had to continue acting, Xu Yan sat in a wheelchair.

She tried her best to stay away from him.

The Xu Family was surprised that only their parents had come, but not the person involved. They thought that the Young Master was putting on airs.

When both parties were seated, the food was served.

Mother Yan looked at Xu Lan and Xu Yan before turning to Li Meixiang and asking, "The two ladies look about the same age, so which one is it?"

"They're a few months apart." Li Meixiang hid her awkwardness and smiled.

Xu Yan deliberately lowered her head and refused to face them.

Li Meixiang introduced her to Mother Yan. "It's the elder sister, Xu Lan."

Mother Yan smiled and nodded. She looked at Xu Lan with an indescribable intimacy.

Even though she had reached a certain age, due to her good maintenance, time did not leave any traces on her face. In fact, she had even become more charming.

One could tell from her aura that she had been a beauty in her early days.

Because it was Xu Lan, Mother Yan took another look at her. There was an indescribable fondness in her eyes.

As Xu Lan had been living in the countryside, she did not usually dress up, but recently, she had put on light makeup for the first time. Her long black hair was tied into a low bun with a hairpin inserted into it, making her already elegant and refined face look even more gentle and lovely.

"Xu Lan? Who gave you your name?"

Father Yan suddenly asked her.

Xu Lan smiled and was about to speak when Father Xu interrupted, "I picked it."

With that, he smiled symbolically.

The originally tense atmosphere instantly became much more relaxed.

"Is Yan Si usually this busy?"

Li Meixiang spoke up at the right time.

Mother Yan nodded sheepishly.

Li Meixiang finally saw the light. Although the Yan Family was rich and powerful, she was dissatisfied with their son's lack of integrity.

"Madam Yan, today is not an ordinary day after all. No matter how busy he is, shouldn't he show his face? Otherwise, wouldn't it be unfair to our Lan'er?"

"Yes. When we came, we called him, and he said that he's already on his way."

Mother Yan explained, and her face paled.

Xu Lan felt that things were not simple.

On the other hand, Xu Yan, who was sitting on the other side of Li Meixiang, smirked in disdain.

After all, the Young Master of the Yan Family had a notorious reputation. Now that he could not delay the engagement, it was obvious that he looked down on the Xu Family.

Fortunately, she did not intend to marry him!

"Madam Xu, let's not wait for him. Let's eat first."

The two families fell silent, looking awkward. In the end, Mother Yan broke the silence and took the initiative to mediate.

Li Meixiang forced a smile and gestured for Father Xu to start eating.

She heard her father, who was sitting opposite her, say with a serious expression, "The marriage between children is decided by the elders. Actually, if they're not satisfied, we can discuss how to cancel it."

Before Father Xu could respond, Li Meixiang panicked.

"Don't, don't, don't. I'm quite satisfied. Look at how beautiful my Lan'er is. Your family's Yan Si is dignified and elegant. They're a perfect match."

Xu Lan sat by the side and felt like retching.

She looked up at the two elderly in front of her and was secretly impressed when she saw their calm expressions. They really had good manners.

She looked at Li Meixiang beside her, who looked like an auntie from the market.

Just as the atmosphere became tense again, someone came in from outside.

Everyone looked towards the door and instantly forgot to react.

"Yan Si, what took you so long?"

Mother Yan got up. Yan Si walked straight to her and pulled a chair to sit down.

He looked up and was stunned.

Xu Lan was sitting opposite him, staring straight at him.

Dressed in a black suit, he was tall and well-built. His handsome face had a hint of aloofness.

Wasn't this the man who had broken into her car that night and taken advantage of her?!

"Mom, were you waiting for me?"

Yan Si did not care about the others. He looked away from Xu Lan and picked up his cutlery.

At this moment, Xu Yan, who had been keeping a low profile and hiding her presence, suddenly stood up from her wheelchair. "Aunt Yan, I'm Xu Yan. I've lived in the Xu Family since I was young. The marriage should be with me."

She deliberately emphasized on this, but her words stunned the family of three.

Li Meixiang used her arm to touch her, but she continued, "Auntie Yan, what my mother said doesn't count. I'm the eldest daughter of the Xu Family."

Mother Yan, who was sitting across from her, looked at Xu Lan, whose head was still lowered.

Before anyone could say anything, Xu Lan suddenly stood up and said coldly, "I can't continue this show."