The Amusement Park Project is Yours

After Yan Si pulled her into the Xu Family home and explained his intentions, Father Xu was not too happy.

The atmosphere in the living room was suffocating.

Li Meixiang glanced at Xu Lan, who was sitting opposite her, and nudged Father Xu with her elbow. He immediately said, "Yan'er went out with her friend. Young Master Yan, why don't you think about it…"

The man who was leaning on the sofa at the side looked up lazily and sharply.

Father Xu shut his mouth. After thinking for a while, he changed the topic.

"Here's the thing. Lan'er is the daughter of my ex-wife and I. She has lived in the countryside since she was young, so she's not even on our Xu Family's household register."

Xu Lan, who was at the staircase on the second floor, suddenly felt her pupils constrict. Her heart felt as if it was about to stop beating.

She had the Xu Family's blood flowing in her, but she was not a member of the Xu Family. As her father, he did not treat her as family at all!

Xu Lan picked up her phone slowly and sent a text message: Pick me up.

She came down from upstairs and said expressionlessly to the people in the living room, "Young Master Yan, you should go back. I'm still studying and not considering marriage."

With that, she quickened her pace and left the villa.

Yan Si's handsome face sank, and he hurriedly got up to chase after her.

The moment he stepped out of the door, he saw Xu Lan get into a red sports car and drive off.

Yan Si went to school and found out that Xu Lan had taken a long leave.

After that, he sent people to the Xu Family and Li City High School to wait for her, but Xu Lan was still nowhere to be seen.

Half a month later, the government issued an official request for the new city to build an amusement park.

The Yan Corporation had never been involved in such projects, but Yan Si was interested and appeared on the day of the bidding.

He strode into the venue, attracting the attention of many.

As he sat down, the professional in charge of the amusement park announced the start of the bid.

"Firstly, on behalf of the provincial government, we welcome all of you to participate in the bidding for Disney's amusement park."

"The first bidder, Yuman Technology Co. Ltd."

The moment the assistant finished speaking, the four people in charge of the company took their respective seats.

"Can you give me a simple explanation?"

At the request of professional staff, they began to explain the content of their company's projects.

Below the stage, Yan Si listened attentively, his handsome face revealing an arrogant and evil smile.

After several rounds of screening, only 10 companies entered the next round of bidding.

In the end, the person-in-charge announced that the rules had been changed, and the bidding would proceed according to the number plate. The person with the best bid would win.

The competition became more intense, and five more companies were eliminated.

It was only when a company called Ya Jie raised their signboard and called out a price that exceeded that of all the bosses present that it instantly attracted Yan Si's attention.

He turned around and took a glance. He was initially nonchalant, but unexpectedly, he was stunned.

There was a girl sitting beside the card holder. She wore a black trench coat and her long hair was loose. Even though she was wearing a black cap, he still felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Ya Jie is now the highest bidder. The design is reasonable in all aspects. Currently, among these five companies, it is placed the highest."


Before the announcement of the final results, Yan Si interrupted the person-in-charge and stood up to hand him the documents he had brought. He then sat down at the corresponding seat and began explaining the reasons for his bid.

Below the stage, the girl in the black cap slowly raised her head, her bright eyes staring straight at the noble man who was talking and sitting upright.

Just as she narrowed her eyes in confusion, the man stood up and looked in her direction. That handsome face had a faint smile.

"I hereby announce the winner of this bid, Yan Corporation."

As he walked back to his seat, the professional announced the final results.

As soon as this news was released, the entire venue fell silent. After a moment, there was a round of applause.

The Yan Family's status in Li City was comparable to that of the emperor. Therefore, no matter how bad the competition was, as long as the Yan Family said something, the amusement park project would definitely belong to them.

However, everyone thought that the Yan Family was not interested. Who knew that Young Master Yan would come?

"Aren't you going to congratulate me?"

After leaving the bidding room, Xu Lan was cornered by Yan Si.

She glanced at him, her expression extremely cold.

She blocked his arm and wanted to leave, but was pulled back.

He leaned against the wall, staring down at her small face, finally stopping at the corner of her pink lips.

Xu Lan looked up with a hint of viciousness in her clear eyes.

This made Yan Si feel that the little girl was even more charming, and his desire to conquer her grew stronger. Almost uncontrollably, he pinched her chin and kissed her.

Xu Lan struggled, but he held her down with his long legs. The kiss was not enough. He moved to her earlobes and neck. A restless hand moved around her slender waist and finally stopped at her chest through her clothes.

Perhaps sensing that she was not moving at all, he finally raised his head, panting slightly. He hugged her tightly in his arms and, ignoring her resistance, whispered into her ear, "Marry me, and the amusement park project is yours."