Master's Invitation

The call went through almost instantly. He asked playfully, "It has been a long time since we last contacted. Did you miss me?"

"I want you to die!"

Xu Lan blurted out without thinking.

The person on the other end was clearly stunned.

Then, he asked seriously, "What's wrong? Who provoked my little beauty?"


Xu Lan did not know what was wrong with herself. When she heard his voice, the anger in her heart soared.

After ending the call, she went back to her room and fell asleep.

For several days, Yan Si did not contact her. As if they had discussed it beforehand, neither of them appeared in each other's sight.

On a certain day, Xu Lan received an invitation from Miss Shu Lin, the pianist.

When she arrived, she immediately saw the most eye-catching man among the crowd.

He was talking to a foreign man with his back to her.

Xu Lan was dressed very low-key, but her appearance was still very eye-catching.

She had specially curled her long black hair into curls at the salon, and had put on a slightly mature makeup.

If one were to describe her without any makeup, she would be beautiful, pure, graceful, and elegant. At this moment, she was extremely charming and captivating.

"Lan, long time no see."

It was an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman with an elegant aura.

Her shoulder-length hair was slightly parted, and her exquisite makeup and actions exuded an artistic aura.

"Miss Shu Lin, I missed you so much."

The two of them hugged and instantly attracted the attention of others.

One of them looked to be no more than 20 years old, while the other was a pianist. However, she was obviously old enough to be her mother. How did they get to know each other?

Not far away, Xu Yan was standing in a corner with a few friends, looking over from time to time with a glass of champagne in hand.

"How do they know each other?"

"How would I know?"

Xu Yan was already extremely jealous. Now that her friend asked her this question, she could no longer suppress her emotions and spoke coldly.

She thought that not everyone would be able to attend such a high-end and artistic event. However, she did not expect to see Xu Lan here. Not only that, but the master-level Shu Lin was even hugging and chatting with her.

Seeing this girl being dismissed by Xu Yan without reason, her other friend gave her a glance.

She nudged Xu Yan, who was still sulking, and smiled dangerously.

"Watch me."

Xu Yan did not understand for a moment. By the time she reacted, her friend was already standing beside Yan Si.

All of a sudden, she came to a realization and looked toward Xu Lan, who was laughing and chatting nearby.

Xu Yan and her friend looked at each other and made an OK gesture.

Sure enough, Yan Si's arm was held.

Xu Lan inadvertently turned around and saw that Yan Si was chatting and laughing with a woman. He was even lifting his hand to ruffle her hair.

In an instant, Xu Lan retracted her gaze and pretended not to see anything. She continued to chat with Shu Lin and her friends with a smile.

Not long after, Yan Si walked over with the girl on his arm. His gaze lingered on Xu Lan for a while before he turned to Shu Lin.

"Welcome back, Master Shu Lin."

"Thank you. Young Master Yan is still as handsome as ever. Is this your new girlfriend?"

The word "new" struck Xu Lan's heart like a bolt of lightning. She could not help but feel empty.

"It's a female friend, Miss Lin Meixin."

Yan Si smiled and looked at Xu Lan teasingly.

He seemed to be testing if she would be jealous, but the result was not ideal.

There was a faint smile on Xu Lan's alluring face the entire time. No one could see any unusual expression on her face.

For some reason, Yan Si felt disappointed. The purposeful smile on his lips stiffened, and he raised his hand to remove the arms that were still hanging from his arm.

However, Xu Lan ignored him and chatted with the others.

At this moment, Xu Yan came over.

"Miss Shu Lin, I'm Xu Yan."

She greeted Shu Lin first. The name she introduced made the other party look at Xu Lan.

Their looks were unrelated, but their surnames?

Seeing Xu Lan's indifferent expression, she did not think further and nodded with a smile.

Just as she was about to continue talking to her friend, Xu Yan suddenly said, "Sister, you're here too? But it's not the weekend today. Aren't you in class at this time? Or did you have to come to keep your boyfriend company?"

Her series of questions attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone's gaze fell on Xu Lan, and they began to discuss among themselves.

Xu Lan looked at Xu Yan with a smile that was as sharp as a knife.

"Master invited me, how could I not come?"

As she spoke, she naturally took Shu Lin's arm.

The other party smiled politely and nodded.

When she brushed past Yan Si, she did not even look at him.

After that, the man took the initiative to look for Xu Lan, but could not find her.