Take a Leave and Come Stay with Me

That day, the sky was clear and there was a hint of coldness occasionally.

Xu Lan and her classmates went to the library to study. As soon as they sat down, they heard a commotion outside.

Then, she saw Yan Si, who was escorted in by the school's leaders. He was dressed in a black suit, which made his already God-like face look even more noble.

The originally quiet self-study room instantly boiled over with his arrival.

Many female students covered their mouths in infatuation as they discussed him.

However, Xu Lan glanced at him and lowered her head to read.

Her classmates were about to stand up and kick up a fuss when she pulled them back to their seats.

"Xu Lan, are you not interested in such a handsome man?"

Her female classmate whispered in confusion.

Xu Lan glanced at her and continued with her reading.

Her two boy friends looked at each other and started reading too.

Instantly, her table became a stark contrast.

Yan Si only stayed in the self-study room for a moment before he was led elsewhere by the principal.

Xu Lan thought that this man had changed after not seeing her for a long time. Unexpectedly, when she went to the canteen at noon, she was stopped by the dean. "Xu Lan?"

"Hello, Teacher Yang."

The dean was over forty years old. He wore a pair of black-framed glasses and looked stern yet kind.

After greeting each other, he called Xu Lan aside.

The female classmate who was with Xu Lan wanted to wait for her, but he said, "Go in and eat first. I have something to tell Xu Lan."

Xu Lan narrowed her eyes and guessed that the dean was looking for her because of Yan Si.

As expected, he turned around and said, "Xu Lan, CEO Yan has donated to the library and wants to treat you to a meal."

Before Xu Lan could respond, he immediately said, "He's waiting in the principal's office."

Xu Lan remained expressionless.

"I understand."

Her response surprised the dean.

As he watched her walk towards the principal's office, he subconsciously wiped his sweat.


Lunch was at a Chinese restaurant not far from the school.

After ordering the menu, he stared at her for a long time before asking begrudgingly, "It's been so long since we last met. Don't you miss me?"

Xu Lan looked up at him. There was no emotion in her clear eyes.

After a while, she pinched the snacks on the table in front of her and stuffed them into her mouth. She mumbled, "Yes, but I'm about to take the exam."

Yan Si shifted on the stool and stayed close to her.

"Then why don't you take the night off and stay with me?"

Xu Lan stopped talking and turned her head slightly. Her small lips curled up.

This expression instantly made him feel like his heart was being scratched by a cat.

The waiter came in to serve the dishes. He was holding her waist, very close.

"Do you have any wine?"

The dishes were served one by one. They were all Xu Lan's favorites.

Xu Lan quickly stopped him when the waiter left. "Aren't you driving?"

"It's okay. It's just white wine."

He instructed the waiter while dealing with Xu Lan.

Halfway through the meal, the wine arrived.

Xu Lan was drinking the soup with her head lowered. She reached out to stop him again, but he took her away and held her in his arms while he poured the wine with his other hand.

Xu Lan looked at the large glass of white wine and said helplessly, "I'm not going to stay with you if you continue drinking like this."

She put down her spoon and got up to leave, but he pulled her back.

Xu Lan had no choice but to compromise.

When they went out, Yan Si's footsteps were unsteady and tottering.

Just as she left the Chinese restaurant, Xu Yan came out of the flower shop next door and saw her.

That night, Xu Lan did not go for self-study and did not return to the dormitory.

For the sake of tomorrow's morning self-study, she dragged Yan Si to a nearby hotel. However, just as she entered, Xu Yan took a few photos, the disgust in her eyes evident.

The next day, Xu Lan went straight to class from the hotel.

After the self-study class, she was called to the office by the head teacher. Besides the dean, there was also the principal.

Xu Lan thought that Yan Si was looking for her again when she saw their serious expressions. She smiled and rejected him. "Teacher, I still have class later."

The moment he said that, the head teacher slammed his hand on the desk. His face was terrifyingly dark.

"What? Where did you go last night?!"

Xu Lan's eyebrows twitched at the stern tone.

As expected, the principal, who had been silent all this while, pointed a computer monitor at her.

"Come and take a look."