Watching the Show

Nanyang sat back down obediently. Nanyang was inexorably devoted to Jing Ning. At first, the situation was quite awkward. However, with Ye Qian's great hosting skill, it gradually became more lively.

The girls were all top students from the art school, including Nanyang. This meant that they were good singers and dancers. They sang and drank. The girls slowly became looser.

Mai Qi grabbed a beer can and opened it. She took a sip. She looked at the can and then looked at me.

I looked at the girls gone wild and pointed at the table on screen.

"There is no canned drinks, they are served cocktails. I believe the drinks have been tempered with." Mai Qi was shocked and I sighed.

As the girls became more inebriated, their movements became more uninhibited. The skirts started to rise up their legs. The men's hands became unruly. The girls didn't resist but use their bodies to reciprocate the attention from the men... including Nanyang.