
I proudly told Ye Qian, "See, Jing Tian will only listen to me!"

Ye Qian's smile was indulgent, "Nanxing, of course he does. Everyone loves you because you are so kind!" It was like I was her little sister.

I deliberately sighed. "I must be kind because I was willing to lend my fiance to someone else. A different person would have rushed into the ward to curse the world out already. Don't you think?" Ye Qian nudged her feet slightly to block my line of sight into the ward. "Nanxing, thank you very much!" Nanxing said sincerely.

"What for?" I asked casually.

"Thank you for allowing Master Qi to come to visit Gu Yan. I know you never take Gu Yan to heart, she is not your match. Thank you for pitying her and allowing her this small wish." Ye Qian's voice was sad.