
I stopped bugging her. I led my people and left.

Back in the car, I asked Tan Si, "Brother Si, so?"

Tan Si handed me her phone, "Sister Xing, I've recorded everything."

I looked through the video briefly. Then I sent it to Qu Hao and Du Heng, the big man's assistant. I didn't add any words. I did not expect them to do anything. I only needed the video as my alibi. I had lost faith and trust in Mai Qi's brother and father. My goal was to anger Mrs. Mai, and it was successful.

"Get Mai Qi to somewhere safe. Don't wake her up yet. Don't let anyone find her." I ordered.

Tan Si was a little worried. "Sister Xing, this will offend many people."

I glanced at him. "Brother Si, are you afraid?"

Tan Si immediately sat up straight and shook his head. "I'm not afraid. I'm just worried that it will affect your future."