The Slaughter

We ran down three floors. I paused to press the elevator buttons at each other. That would delay our pursuer.

The old man gave me a thumbs up. I had no time to care about anything else. I pulled the old man through the lobby and out the door. The African American guard looked at me. I glared back at him and flashed the knife.

There were two guards outside the door. When they saw us, they reached for their phones. I swung my hand and cut his phone loose. Blood splattered everywhere. His arm was broken or at least crippled.

The cry startled his accomplice. I cut at him and pushed the old man towards our 'abandoned' car. Footsteps came after us. I jumped into the car, but the engine refused to start. The people reached us. Machetes and iron rods swung at the car. I locked the car window. I glared at our assailants. My blood started to boil, and I gripped the hilt of the knife tightly. My breathing became rapid.