Good Friends

After tormenting myself at night, I would help Mai Qi and Jing Ni during the day. However, most of the time, they didn't need me to do anything. I would lean on the recliner and rest. Sometimes, I would fall asleep, but due to what happened, my sleep was never fulfilling. 

"She can't go on like this." Jing Ni's voice was filled with worry.

"If Jing Tian forgets her in the future, I'll cut him to pieces!" Mai Qi said hatefully.

I moved my fingers, too lazy to open my eyes.

Jing Ni sighed. "There is nothing we can do but watch. Mai Qi, every time I see her like this, my heart aches."

"Yes, Tong Le has been crying too, but he won't say anything." Mai Qi lowered her voice too.

"Qu Hao and Du Heng are closing the net. We should be catching up." Jing Ni said.

"Honestly, I don't want this to end. Once this is over, Nanxing will have to leave. I can't bear to part with her." Mai Qi sobbed quietly.