The Antidote

Jing Tian immediately said eagerly, "Okay! When? Now? The sooner, the better. Tell us what you need, and we'll arrange it immediately."

My little uncle and the others quickly followed suit.

Mr. Li thought for a moment and said, "Then let's do it tonight. Ten o'clock at night is the best time for witchery. It's the time when magic is at its strongest. If that witch has placed some other spell on you, it'll be exposed then. Then, I can deal with it."

Hearing this, the group of people nodded their heads repeatedly.

Mr. Li looked out of the window and said, "I've sensed the energy of my kin in the past two days. Tong Le, you have to send more people to guard us tonight. If we're disturbed in the middle or if Nanxing is awakened in advance, the consequences will be unimaginable."

My little uncle said hurriedly, "Don't worry. I'll take some people to guard you personally."

Everyone immediately split up to do their work.