The Story

I grinned at Ye Qian. "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. Don't worry. Mr. Li has already said that he can treat cousin Mo's illness and won't keep using my blood to feed him. Moreover, the amount of blood he needs every day isn't a problem for me at all. When I was locked up by Tong Hui and Tong Zhuo, Ma Ji took a large tube of my blood every day. Sometimes, she would take more than one tube. I was treated like that for three years, and I'm still alive and well, right?

"It's going to be nothing for Cousin Mo. It doesn't hurt me at all. I'm not made of glass, so how can I be so weak? What does it matter even if I feed him a lifetime of blood? As long as he's fine, I'll be very happy!"

Ye Qian looked at me emotionally.