In-law's House

Varun's POV

I came back to my room to check her. She was sleeping silently with her tensed face.

I touch her forehead, still she was warm. So, I place a wet cotton handkerchief on her head .

Her body started some movement, so I ask her worridly.

"Aisha. What happened? Are you ok? Are feeling pain somewhere?" I ask her with sympathy.

She opened her eyes, and pushed me suddenly.

"Liar... You liar.... Cheater..". She was shouting like a mad women and I was consoling her

"Aisha .. Aisha... Shhh. Calm down... You are not well. You take some rest". I told her while hugging tightly.

"No..No... No.." she again shouted like a mad women.

"Shhh.. calm down". I again console her.

She was taking her breath up and down.

I cup her face and ask." Do you need anything? "

"Yeah?" She said


"Peace. Justice. Everything?" She told looking into my eyes.

"Trust me baby. I'll make everything fine. Ok. You just take rest. Nothing else. Ok. Don't hyper". I told her and started to feed her.

"Come on. Have something. You have to take medicine."

Still she was looking into my eyes and suddenly tears started to roll in her eyes.

"Shhh. Stop crying. You are a brave girl. Ain't you." I ask

She take a little tore of tortilla and vegetable in her mouth and started chewing.

Soon we finish our dinner and I gave her medicine.

After that I cover her with quilt and start to Patt her head lovingly.

"You sleep ok. I'm coming after changing my clothes."I told her and went to washroom

"I can't see her like this. She is really suffering too much. And that bastard Kartik. I'll kill him. How dare he to talk about my wife and her mother like that. "

I was thinking all these when my rang but it cut in middle.

When I check it, it was showing me Vishal 's name.

"Oh. Vishal. Let's talk with him."

I came out of the bathroom, check her. She was sleeping peacefully.

I came out of my room and went to check Rupali. She was also sleeping.

I went downstairs and starightly went into my study room

I make a call to my brother.

"Hey, brother. Where were you? First of all, congratulations to my big b for getting married. By the way who's that lucky girl. " He ask with so much excitement

"First you tell me when you are coming India. Now it's your turn to get married. Don't forget." I ask him back

"Oh, com on bro. I'll come soon. Ok. You don't worry. Well I want to meet with my sister in law. Where is she? Please let us introduce." He beg me so much, so I show him me and Aisha's wedding picture which was place on my study table.

"Oh my. She. She is Aisha. Right." He ask me.

"Yeah. You are right. And now she is your sister in law. Ok." I told him sternly.

"Oh come on bro. You know it, she is always in my team,and now officially she will be in my team." He told me with full of excitement

"Ok. Now you came back to India soon. " I told him

"Ok, bro. I'm going to give you guys a big surprise." He told me.

Then we did a little chit chat and I cut the call.

I was about to get up when someone came and snake his arm in my neck.

"Aww. Baby. I was really missing you. I thought that you will come to my room. But no you were busy. " She told me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" She ask irritately

"Go back to your room and take rest. Don't disturb me". I told her

"But Varun". She tried to speak but I cut her in middle.

"Look. You know it very well, that I'm married now. "

"So, now go back to your room" I told her and leave from there.

I came back to my room to see her. She was sleeping. I also went to my side and laid down on my side while taking her in my arms.

Next Morning

A strong ray of light came in my face when I realised that it's morning.

She was still in my arms. And I kiss her temples.

To see my action, she also open her eyes.

I smile on her face and said good morning. She also smile and said good morning.

"Do you need anything?" I ask her and she node her head in 'yes'.

"Tea". She said and I smile .

Our room's door started to bang by someone.

"Sir, I have bring your tea." My servant 'Neeti' told this.

"Come in." I told her and she step in.

"Good morning Sir, Good Morning Mam, how are you feeling now. "She ask to wifey.

"Good morning Neeti, I'm feeling much better now." She answer her politely.

Here is your tea. She hand us our tea.

"Thankyou." We told her together.

We take a sip of our tea. And Aisha was feeling much comfortable having her Ginger Tea.

"I'm feeling like heaven." She told me.

"Amm.. After having tea , you get ready. Ok. We have to go to our home back now. Mom is waiting for us." I told her.

"Hmm." She told me in one word.

After having tea, we got ready and went to dinning table together. Rupali was already present there.

She greet me good morning and I greet her back.

She was sitting on Aisha's place and Aisha was really feeling angry.

But I signal her not to show right now.

She sat on my right side. "When Rupali broke the silence, by the way when you both are you going to part away. " She ask.

But I remain silent. I didn't gave her answer.

Aisha was also not saying something. Only having her breakfast silently.

"Rupali, Ranvijay is coming to take you with him. Ok." I inform her and she got silent.

We finish our breakfast, till than Ranvijay enter and greet me good morning.

Rupali ran towards his direction and hug him tightly.

"Bhaiya." She said and he kiss her on her forehead.

"How are you?" He ask with heavy voice.

"I'm fine now." She told him.

"So,...." He was trying to say something but I gave him a signal ' Not now'.

He hold her hand and take her with him .

Aisha and me also came out together and sat in my car start a ride towards our home.