Day drinking -I

At first, Grace had decided to randomly drive around the area. She had done that for precisely 30 minutes before the realization hit her. How long could she drive for? Gas cost money, and at the moment, she was obviously short on it. Who knows when she was going to get the next job? If, it was going to be a good one.

She had remembered to read the recommendation letter, and it was glorifying to say the least. Clara must have used some words from Google or Oxford dictionary, because those were not in anyone's ordinary vocabulary.

A glorifying recommendation was great especially when Clara had mentioned her personal number for a phone call if needed, but in today's date, it was just not enough. Sure, she had the apartment in her name, so the rent was covered, but the electricity and the water bill would have to be taken care of.

Her grandmother was going to support her for sure, even pitch in money, but for how long?

She parked the car in her designated spot for her apartment building before getting out with the box in her hand, while the purse was edged between her side and her arm.

Thankfully, she met no one on the way up to her apartment. Opening the door after unlocking the door, she slammed it with a kick, not caring if her grandmother heard her.

Grace paused, hearing for any sounds of kitten heels, clicking on the floor and coming towards her. When she had none, she concluded that her grandmother was again playing bingo on a Monday.

A Retirees life was better than her at the moment.

She sighed loudly as she slammed the box on the table and then fell back on the couch.

Unemployed. Fuck.

Alejandro Vega had fired her. Miguel was probably in on it as well. Of course, the brothers would keep each other informed about the decisions.

She really had thought that Miguel had been interested in her. Maybe that was not the case anymore, because if he had been interested in her, he would have stood by her side in this. She had not stood in any information, and he knew that she had been played by her superior, and he knew that too.

He should have taken her.. she thought so in disappointment. She would have done the same for him.

Grace looked towards the kitchen. The groceries were stopped, the pantry was full, bills were paid for this month. This month she was not going to have any problem. But still, she had to start looking for a job as soon as possible.

She then looked at the staff she had brought back from the office she worked at.

Perhaps it Was not too late to go for a party..