On the search - III

Within a week, Grace had given five interviews. Out of which, three had rejected her and the other two had not picked up her call to chat back, neither had called back.

She has been professionally ghosted.

Then, she was set up with another interview that Grace had high hopes with. Apparently, once again, the same thing happened. The position has been filled.

"I am very sorry, dear," the woman said, "but the panel seems to have chosen the candidate for the position."

"Its alright, thank you." it was not quite alright, but she was the only one sitting outside, waiting for them in one of the chairs until the lady had come out to tell her that the position has been occupied.

Grace was on the verge of crying, but this was the worst place to show that. She quickly put the file in the bag that she had been getting and made her way out of the building. The moment she was on the footpath, she looked down, and a few tears fell.