On the table- III

And here it went..

"Why did you come in a helicopter and take me to your restaurant to eat?"

A frown marred his forehead. "What do you mean?"

"Why are we eating together?"

"Why can we not?"

"Well," she hesitated, "two people that don't know each other, and a stranger cannot just have food together. They can't decide to eat-"

"strangers as fuck have lunch together." He pointed out, his voice changed as he did. "You and I are not strangers. We are best friends."

"We are not." Grace told him firmly. "best friends talk to each other, if not every day then at least once a week. They check in with each other and they are there when the other person needs them. Also, they reciprocate when someone calls them."

Christian smirked as he listened to her. "Did you miss me, Grace?"

She blinked at a certain change of topic before deciding to go with it. "What?"