A counter proposal- II

The lunch rolled in so late, and she had anticipated it to come by. The clock had tied miraculously quickly when she had focused on her work and before Grace knew it, Matthew was there to inform her that it was time for lunch.


Her fingers almost inch towards her phone to call Dani but that was not going to be possible. She knew her friend must have fallen asleep by now. The change in the time zone was getting into her and she had only stayed awake yesterday because Grace needed her.

Anyway, all of that aside, she needed to do it for herself.

Matthew had left after informing her of the lunch, and it was five minutes into the hour already. She had to leave now because this conversation would take time.

She slowly stood up from the chair and pocketed her phone, keeping it close by as if it was going to offer some sort of protection before she moved towards the door with the goal of reaching his office.