Shifting- I

Kisses and hugs along with a few occasional make out sessions was how her rest of the week looked like. Not that Grace did not enjoy any of it, she enjoyed it more than necessary. 

In fact, from a third person point of view, one might say that Grace actually looked forward to it. 

And she did.

But with the increase of sexual touches between them, it became hardly impossible for her to ignore him whenever he was in the room. And somehow, whatever force was preceding over them, grace found him always around her. 

There was a make out session in the kitchen, which was a bit handsy under the clothes, there was the one in the bed, before they went to sleep, and after they woke up. Perfect morning to wake up to.

They were a few involved when they were having lunch together. A few in the car and of course in the lift. Who could forget that?