A new house - I

Grace did not get to ask questions, not when they were ushered into the car quickly. Just as the trunk was closed with the last bag inside, the tire screeched as they rolled onto the main road from the side. 

For once, the traffic was moderate, but they still had to drive a little to the outskirts of Manhattan. 

Grace could feel the energy of Christian. He was nervous, maybe not, but he was definitely pissed about something. What kind of condition had they come up with now? 

She stayed silently entire entire ride, not because she was afraid of his anger. He would never show it to her. Because Grace was on his side, and she thought that he deserved a few moments of silence. Because one thing that she knew was going to happen for sure, was Christian definitely standing his ground against whatever condition they were going to make. 

There was going to be some drama.