A forced deal

"Oh!" The Fallen Elf girl made a strange sound. A moment later she walked away.

I was left speechless. My ears twitched and I blinked a few times until I remembered to move my body.

I walked to chase the girl.

"Wait, why are you leaving?" I asked for a moment when I walked beside her.

"Because I'm not interested."

"I have money."

"It's not about money, okay? I just don't want to accept a job or deal from you."

After hearing the girl's words, I walked faster. I blocked the road then asked, "Why?"

"You don't need to know. Now, if you please," replied the girl as if she didn't care.

Then, the girl walked over to pass me. Unlucky to her, I don't want to let her go.

"Wait!" I said. After that, I grabbed the girl's hand. I pulled her slowly into a café while saying, "Please come with me for a minute."

"Hey! What are you doing! Let me go!"

The girl protested and tried to escape. And I still don't want to let her go. Therefore, I grab her hand tightly.