Desmond Cemetery 1_3

"[Fire Javelin]" Kimi attacked Grey Head Ape with a Spell.

The monster was aware of the danger that came, moved its body to make a defense.

I, who saw the thing it do, run to approach the monster that survived with my Silver Spear. I don't want my existence to be noticed by the monster. So, I always move by utilizing its blind spot. Thanks to that, I was able to get close to the monster unnoticed.


As the monster was caught on fire, I launched the Silver Spear to pierce its left rib.

"Ukyo!" The monster screamed.

It swung its arm to attack me but I didn't let that monster hit me. I took two steps back to dodge. Then, I kicked the ground to propel myself forward! At the same time, I unsheathed the Silver Sword.

I shot like a bullet! And the powerful swing I made managed to cut the monster's throat. 

And yes, I didn't stop to attack.