After the nightmare

The illusion disappeared slowly.

Greene and everything around me turned white as if they lost their color. After which, they melted into particles of light then disappeared.

Not long after that, I saw the mausoleum door and the Nightmare Illusion Peshroom's face. 

I froze with fear but then.

< Acquired a skill! Dark Magic Resistance |Lvl 1 >

< Dark Magic Resistance, level up! 1 to 2 >

< Dark Magic Resistance, level up! 2 to 3 >

[Dark Magic Resistance | Lvl 3] [Passive]

[+ Reduces the damage and duration of negative effect caused by different types of Dark Spells by 25%]

The notification given by the system revived me.

I think back to the days I went through with Cerene. I remember the times when I killed the little girl to get out of the illusion.

My sadness turned into anger.

This ugly monster! How dare it toy with my memories of Cerene! How dare it forced me to kill her!

"[Bullet of Light]"