Closer and stronger

Crystal Cobra is dead and I...

"Big sis!" A panicked Kimi approached me. She used her hands to check my heat by touching my forehead.

"It's not good," she began. "She's too hot, sweaty, and pale. Sis Ruciel, what should we do?"

"..." Ruciel didn't say anything but she touch my forehead, check my heartbeat, and studies my eyes? After that, she explained to my sister. "She had a fever because she received too much poison."

"She'll be fine after drinking this potion," Myu added. And true to her words, she gave me a bottle of Potion that make me feel better.

My condition improved but I still can't move well.

"Big sis is okay now?" Kimi gave me another worrying question.

"Yeah, I'm good," I told her then I patted her head.

"Tell us your next plan, Eclaite."

My fox's ears twitched because of that words. 

"I wonder, why do you always ask for a plan from me when you keep saying that I'm stupid?"