A big magic stone

"Dear mother called you, Miss Eclaite. So, let's go back to the city!" 

"You mean now?" I asked Yuldra who was smiling.

The girl blinked and then nodded. "That's right, now. You should see my dear mother as soon as possible, so let's go."

A moment later, Yuldra swung her right hand gently. What appeared suddenly after the girl finished with the action took us by surprise.

A horse-drawn carriage without horses just appeared!

"Wow..." My little sister voiced her admiration.

"That's amazing!" said Chloe, who didn't want to miss out.

As for Diana, Alan, and Ruciel, they froze for a moment before then rubbing their eyes. It could be said that they were still didn't believe in something that had just happened.

"Everyone, get in, go go go!" Yuldra made an invitation after opening the carriage door.