Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

It was a happy day for the Santos family since they were moving into a new house in a small town called Santa Monica. Amelia their daughter who was deaf was signing to her mom how excited she was to see her new room, while their son Andres was quiet, he was sad about their move since he had to leave his friends behind. They reached their new house Mr. Santos turned his car engine off and went down from his car and gave his wife the keys to their new house and asked her if she could open their house.

Mrs. Santos went to the door of their new house and started inserting the keys to their new house when an old lady approached her and grabbed her wrist and spoke

"The moment you enter her house your lives are in peril!" Mrs. Santos weirdly looked at the old lady and tried removing the old lady's hand from her wrist but the old lady was stronger than her

"Adonis come here!" she shouted for her husbands' name and asked for help since the old lady won't get her hands off Mrs. Santos.

Mr. Santos came running to his wife

"Mira, what's the problem?"

"The old lady did you see her she was grabbing my wrist while saying some weird stuff"

"What old lady? You're the only one here Mira"

Mrs. Santos was shocked by what her husband said she remembered seeing an old lady grabbing her hands a while ago she let it go and opened the door to their new house with her husband beside her. Mr. Santos faced his wife, kissed her forehead, and asked

"Do you like our new home" Mrs. Santos smiled and said "Of course I do it's beautiful"

They called their kids Amalia and Andres to start bringing their things inside their rooms

"Amelia your room's on the second floor first door to the right" Amelia could hear what her mom was saying because of her hearing aid but she couldn't speak so she signed okay to her mom "Andres your room is across Amelia's room now both of you start unpacking your stuff so we could be in time for lunch" so Andres and Amelia did what they were told to do.

The moment Amelia went inside her room she was so happy her room was big and all of the things in her room were pastel just as she requested with butterflies hanging in one corner she jumped in her bed with excitement. Andres on the other side was sad but his mood lightened when he saw his room it had moons and stars painted on the walls and little stars hanging on the ceiling just above his bed he explored his new room and started unpacking. He opened his closet and saw a book being the bookworm that he is he sat on his bed and opened the book that turned out to be a diary. He opened the diary and saw a name written on the first page "Helena" he caressed the name written on the first page and accidentally pricked his finger with the sharp cover of the diary.

"ouch!" he exclaimed, blood started coming out from the finger that he accidentally pricked he didn't notice that the blood from his finger started dripping into the diary then he noticed something written below the name there Helena Santos & A- but it seems like the other half of the name was ripped out from the diary.

He immediately hid the diary when the door opened revealing his dad

"Your mom has been calling you bud time to eat"

"I'll be down in a minute dad and oh I- he didn't continue what he was supposed to say since it felt like something was stuck in his throat

"Yes, bud?" He shook his head and his dad nodded and left his room the moment his dad left his room his throat felt better, he decided not to tell his dad about the diary he found and went downstairs for lunch.