Day 08: “Political Marriage.”

'Heavy is the head that wears the crown'.

For some reason, I was reminded of one of Shakespeare's quotes. Perhaps it's due to the situation I'm in right now, no… both of us…

Zhao Baiguang suddenly came to me and discussed some political matters as usual. However, this time she talks about schemes and conspiracies which are famous ways to end someone's life. Oh, life is great, let's sing and dance once that man is dead.

My thoughts are filled with sarcasm which is something that I shouldn't have towards the person I love. Zhao Baiguang said there were a few royal members plotting to assassinate her. She got this information from Li Xiang, it turns out the second prince was afraid of her. Because Zhao Baiguang is a competent empress, she finishes tasks clean and neat, cares about the peasants, and more importantly, she's a former general. She could lead a horde of cavalry and seek victory in war, in short, she's a complete package for the perfect emperor, that is if we didn't see her as a woman. This, of course, threatens those who seek the king's seat.

"It must be such a big burden to be an empress.",

"Not just an empress.", Zhao Baiguang took a sip of her tea before continuing, "It's all like this if you sit at the upper seat in this age.",

She is right, it is like that for everyone who sat at the higher position. The bigger your role is the heavier your responsibilities. Just like what uncle Ben from Spiderman used to say…

'Great power comes great responsibility',

While chatting with Zhao Baiguang, suddenly a beautiful girl wearing purple hanfu and a maid came to our room.

"Pardon my intrusion, I didn't know that the Queen was visiting.",

"It's okay, I was just about to leave.",

Yeah, it's all about pleasantries rather than the truth. The impression I get is they don't have a good connection. Zhao Baiguang clearly had no intention to leave earlier, but now that this woman is here, she suddenly retreated.

"Physician Xun, this is the eldest princess, Zhao Mingxia. Ming'er this is physician Xun Jinyun, the one that I mentioned yesterday.",

Excuse me? Did I just hear it right?

Zhao Baiguang was talking about me to the eldest princess? For what occasion?

"Anyway, I shall leave first. Physician Xun, please treat the eldest princess kindly.", Zhao Baiguang threw a wink at me, now I know what is going on. Zhao Baiguang leaves not because she had a feud with the eldest princess, rather she wants me to hook up with the eldest princess. Just how complicated this matter can be?

"Your Highness, please take a seat.",

"Thank you.",

I pulled the chair as usual and waited for the eldest princess to sit. I often did this to Zhao Baiguang, she was confused at first, I had to explain to her that this was an act of chivalrous from my time.

"What's the meaning of this?", the eldest princess asked confusedly.

"Oh, pardon me. This is an act of chivalry from my time, us gentlemen used to do this to a woman before they took a seat. Your Highness, please sit.",

Zhao Mingxia was confused and she blushed a little bit. She does look refined and cute, but I wondered why my heart still belongs to Zhao Baiguang?

"How's the physician doing?", Zhao Mingxia asked.

"This subject is doing fine, can I examine the princess's pulse?",


I read Zhao Mingxia's pulse. There is slight fatigue and low blood pressure, are all the royal family members often overworking themselves? I stood up and made a quick herbal tea, Zhao Mingxia just stood there, who knows what she was thinking, all I know, she just had a pleasant smile.

"Here's a herbal tea I made. The princess had slight fatigue and low blood pressure. This subject hopes it could relieve it.",

"Thank you, but I would appreciate it if you could tell me what's going on first.",

"This subject apologizes.", I bowed my head to her.

Honestly, since I know Zhao Baiguang's intention, I really don't feel like chatting with the eldest princess in front of me.

"It's alright, physician Xun, please take a seat as well. I had something to talk about.",

I took a seat obediently and listened to her. For a moment, I thought she was going to discuss something serious. Yet, it turns out as nothing more than a personal question. Like what's my hobby, things I like to do, etc.

"If this subject may ask, why is the princess asking all these questions?",

"Didn't the Queen already gave you a sign to cooperate?",

It turns out she saw that wink from Zhao Baiguang, it means she already knew her intentions.

"Can this subject be frank?",

"Sure.", she took a sip, then continued, "But you will be punished for not respecting me.",


We went silent for a moment, the atmosphere was pretty heavy. I swallowed my saliva trying to think of something else to talk about, until Zhao Mingxia chuckled.

"I was jesting, it is true that you're such a stiff person.", Zhao Mingxia said as she tried to hold her laughter.

Excuse me, how can you not be stiff if you were talking face to face with a royal family member?

"Since you understand my intention, don't bother to be formal, just think of me as a close friend.",

"It is an honor to be accompanied by the princess.",

"If I wasn't a princess, would you still like me?",

My heart beating fast the moment she asked that, I think for a moment and finally said, "I think a relationship should be based on mutual support and feelings.", Zhao Mingxia didn't say anything, she just let out a disappointing sigh,

"Fine, I'll tell you. I'm supporting the Queen to be the next ruler, she only had few people to trust in this treacherous place. I heard you are the person whom she trusts the most, so I'll be frank, I'll need you to marry me.",


"I want you to form a political marriage with me.",

"And why is that?",

"Because it's the only way to get you to the official seat.",

I see… it seems like what Liao Yan had said is true. Zhao Baiguang also uses people and… me.

"This subject still stands firm regarding the opinion of relationship.",

"I'll give you anything you want. You are free to have a concubine, money, or anything.",

"If I marry someone, I won't cheat on them or have a concubine. I'll stay loyal to my wife till death do us apart.",

Zhao Mingxua was surprised and she observed me up and down,

"Are you… serious?",

It pains me that she didn't believe me, so I said solemnly, "Yes. I'll die a horrible death if I go against my own word.",

"You…", Zhao Mingxia couldn't say anything, she sighed and said, "Fine, what do you think is best for us to get together?",

I was thinking for a moment, Zhao Baiguang clearly had no intention to see me as a man. It pains me that all my effort to support her only leads me to other girls. I took a look at Zhao Mingxia who just happens to be looking curiously at me. She flinched a bit and smiled…

This marriage could barely produce any mutual feelings, just as she said, it's a political marriage in order to get me to the official seat.

"This subject wants to be a physician, I hope the princess could respect this subject's wishes.",

Zhao Mingxia gritted her teeth, perhaps my continuous rejection offended her,

"How about we make a deal?",

"A deal?",

"You said a relationship should be based on mutual feelings. How about I try to make you fall for me? And if you do fall in love with me, you have to leave your position as a physician and marry me.",

"Can I ask something?",

"Go ahead.",

"Do you love me?",


Zhao Mingxia couldn't say anything, however, she seemed to be thinking about something.

"I shall take my leave, you can think about my offer from earlier.",

Zhao Mingxia left without paying any heed to my response as if there is really no room for rejection. Now, I know what Qi Mo feels… I do want to go home quickly...